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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. I walked out in my slippers, got a surprise, now have to change my socks..
  2. Yeah, right about the same here..WTF was it supposed to snow lol
  3. Upon further review the euro is about 12-18 hours slower..
  4. Euro holds energy down south to long pumping southerly winds.. Look at the timing differences, ggem and GFS para have the low near our lattitude at 12z Thursday, euro is 18z Fri .
  5. Ill take my chances with that track and call BS on the euro thermals lol Plenty of snowshower activity on the backside..
  6. Euro is not over lake erie anymore , thats for sure..
  7. Para is a little silly with several snow event over the next 7-10 days..
  8. This is the storm to watch as of now..Models have been trending west, now we just need the euro a little east lol
  9. We can afford positive anomalies this time of year lol This isn't nj.. The euro had positive anomalies at hr 240 and 850mb temps were still -11c..
  10. The euro was so so lol Cuts the storm on the 4th as well but not by much..986 mb over lake erie then 977mb over western Dacks..Good amount of wraparound/enhancement/LES on the backside.. Also features a northern stream disturbance far to the north that swings a cold front through on the 8th, light showers to LES showers..
  11. Only thing to take away from the gfs is the storm tracks are farther south then they have been..
  12. Just have to be patient, eventually we will get ours.. I have been dealing with an infected tooth for the last 2 weeks or so, excruciating pain, swollen jaw, face, lymph nodes etc.. On my 3rd day of antibiotics and finally starting to feel some relief.. Can't say i'm terribly upset over the lack of winter these last couple weeks lol
  13. Haha we have something in common bro I sweat the stuff out of my pores lol Best thing about living in the country, freedom..
  14. Pouring snow out right now, won't last loong but looks beautiful..
  15. Icon brings in some souther stream love on the 3rd/4th..Followed by a northern stream disturbance kicking off some lake effect..
  16. Models all have several northern stream disturbances moving through the flow..
  17. Best the euro has looked in a while, at least for oswego county, lets see how long it last lol
  18. I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully they eventually get the help they need.. My issue is cigarettes which kills more people than anything, I have not touched a drink in like 5 years, does absolutely nothing for me.. I have gad (general anxiety disorder) and ADHD, only thing that helps cope with life is some recreational activity.. I refuse to take pharmaceuticals..
  19. Since we don't have a banter thread obviously I'll post this here.. Wondering what some of your thoughts on this is.. To me if alcohol is legal so should pot.. It's hard to find even one positive about alcohol.. I think eventually all 50 states will end prohibition.. Legalization could bring in between $248 million and $677 million in new tax revenue in its first year, the report said. In addition, it could also ease the opioid crisis and mitigate racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  20. So the euro has 2 more rain makers before we finally get to this.. The 2 nd event (jan 4th) is more of a mix and not far off from some snow..
  21. In due time lol I already told the wifey give me 10-15 years to get sick of the cold and snow then we're off to an island lol Top choice for me is Bermuda, beautiful island, beautiful people (especially in those Bermuda shorts) and most importantly SAFE.. Many islands u can't even get off the boat after dark lol Not in Bermuda, very friendly people.. Also don't have to worry as much about hurricanes and other natural disasters..
  22. This cold airmass will set the stage for a return of lake effect snow. An upper level trough will pass through the area Wednesday and Thursday, thus there will likely be some oscillation to the lake bands of snow, but there may be moderate to potentially heavy lake effect snow east of the lakes towards the end of this forecast period.
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