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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Whoever rides the R/S line will have the heaviest accumulations..
  2. Euro went north of 12z..More mixing and even a change over to rain.. The farther NE you go the better.. Keep in mind 1"-3" is from tonight..(4"-5" on the tug)
  3. Moderate to heavy snow at the moment, 28°.. Nearing an inch accumulation..
  4. By Monday night snow and/or rain should be covering the entire area and continue through Tuesday as the low pressure tracks across Lake Ontario during the day on Tuesday. As of now, it looks like it should be cold enough from the onset of the precipitation through the middle of Tuesday morning to stay as mostly snow before mixing with and changing to rain. With temperatures staying cooler, some areas over the higher terrain and across the North Country may stay as all snow. Temperatures will be dependent on track of the system and strength of warm air advection with that track. A track farther north or south will affect the temperature profiles, and therefore the precip types. As the low and cold front pass through the area, any rain that is falling will change back to snow Tuesday evening. Lake enhanced/effect will follow in the wake of the main area of precipitation as cold air advection occurs behind the passing cold front and area of low pressure. Light lake effect snow will continue through Wednesday as the area will be under the influence of a large trough associated with the low pressure from Tuesday. With this trough still over the area, cold air advection will continue and synoptic moisture will be in place through Wednesday to support lake effect. Model spread is present for 850 temperatures on Wednesday with the GFS not cooling to -10C or lower and the ECMWF cooling to around -14C, if the GFS 850Ts are realized, then any lake effect for Wednesday should be light as equilibrium heights should be lower than with colder 850Ts
  5. Didn't know 6"-8" was a couple And yesterday it was 0.. I'd rather see any snow then no snow..
  6. Can't see temps on the ukmet..Track pretty close to the euro..
  7. This is an overrunning event, by the time the system gets here its drizzle/dryslot/transfer..As it is slated now..
  8. Canadian is not that bad lol Actually not far off from the euro, just a little north..They both transfer energy when the primary is near ontario.. Canadian has more mixing though..
  9. 850 mb isotherm line gets to southern owego county by tues morning but most of the damage is already done..
  10. Transfer saves us from flipping over..But it get's dicey especially the farther SW u go..
  11. Euro out to 132 so far, good front end snow once again..May try to transfer soon..
  12. Yeah, canadian brings Lp through CNY.. Perfect recipe for some WAA snows, nice thump followed by some taint and then back to snow..
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