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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. 1 complex storm we have here . Guidance showing a 2nd low riding a CF. Euro was another huge hit for the coast.
  2. Resize it to under 1.95mb.. Or turn video into gif..(under 1.95mb) https://ezgif.com/resize
  3. Same goes for friday.. Gfs shows it as snow and rain but the euro is all snow, couple/few inches..
  4. Yeah, car thermometer reading 3° imby, on and off flakes, just came back from the city of Fulton, it was 18° lol Interestingly the airport is reporting winds out of the SW..
  5. 18z gfs has a bowling ball type system, undercuts the HP..
  6. I guess it's a good problem to have but the 12z GFS had system after system during that timeframe, not much in the way of lake effect..
  7. Eps indv members are amped..lol Many (maybe more then half) cut this system..
  8. Yea a weak LP but heavy overrunning precip.. Euro retreats that strong HP NE but little a to late for us verbatim..
  9. Let the rejoice for 12 hours or so.. We all know no model is standing pat for the next 8 days, no way, no how lol
  10. Ukmet not yet at this time frame.. Here was last nigh't 0z euro.. Should have 12z in an hr or so..
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