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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Getting some steady snow here, about 1/2" new snow on the ground..
  2. Gives u an idea on the jump NW the ukmet made.. Timing was off as 12z was much slower.. From off the coast of NC to Snj, distance of about 400 miles..
  3. If you're talking about Wxdisco, it has crashed several times in the last 2 days. U need to start commenting, I can't be the only one trolling the coast haha I enjoy the GL/OV thread better.
  4. Now with that being said, if confluence is stronger then modeled Fuhgeddaboudit..
  5. It would be headin NE just like 0z did, which went over NJ..
  6. This includes Friday.. Still a nice uptick by the ukmet..
  7. Looks like a euro/uk compromise.. They are not far off.. Here's 0z ukmet
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