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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Consensus is about 1"-1.25" for Oswego county, even at 10-1 thats a foot.. That friday storm is like an inch or so now, so almost all of that precip is from this weekend system..
  2. If they were going NE i would agree lol But im not so sure they are.. Eps mean snowfall is not terrible but it has dropped for the 3rd straight run..
  3. We are now getting into range to view the euro 4x daily..
  4. Euro brings LP over nyc on the 24th/25th and we still rain haha We do flip though as i think primary heads into lake..
  5. Take it fwiw..Showing 20-1 on avg.. Big ice storm in nj, like 2" worth but surface around 30..
  6. At 102 a secondary devlops over the delmarva which wasn't shown on 0z..
  7. Confluence is stonger..Lp couple mb weaker..Track almost identical to 0z at hr 96..
  8. Why didn't anybody tell me it's like a blizzard outside haha 1" so far today..
  9. They may try but the answer is no lol Meso-guidance will lead the way as we get closer..
  10. Ukmet is still so much slower then other guidance, allowing it to be pushed east before gaining a ton of lattitude..
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