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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Could be some 20" amounts in there given ratios on the backside..
  2. Syracuse sees about half the snow fulton does, thats the cuttoff right there on the euro..
  3. Euro has that band as well.. .50"-.75" LE in the first 6 hours of precip, then we flip to some light ice and right back to snow..
  4. The euro was good at 12z and it looks even better at 0z from what i can tell.. We are probably going to mix for a little , no biggie to me lol
  5. This is the warmest frame on the para.. Classic front end thump, lightmix/dryslot, wrap around/enhancement..
  6. No matter what happens i'm pretty confident we see a nice thump tue afternoon..Prob 4"-8" in a 5-6 hr period..
  7. LR Nam with a major ice strom down south.. Decent amount of snow/ice for North central NY Still seems a little warmer then some other guidance.. Lake enhancement still ongoing..
  8. Front end.. Would be decent for kbuf/kroc as well verbatim..
  9. Euro just like the para has a strong band tue afternoon, 1"-2" and hour for about 4 hours..
  10. 18z euro by wed morning.. The rest of the precip is in the form of ice with surface temps in the teens and low 20s, 850mb temps climbing to plus 2c..
  11. The Canadian is gonna shock the world haha Coming down real nice in Fulton, looks like 1/2"-1" fresh on the cars..
  12. GFS para was so so close to an all snow event, probably mix for like an hour.lol
  13. Just checked haha U do realize I live near Pulaski lattitude right lol That has no chance, probably will make it to Oswego-mexico- parish, looks pretty weak anyway..
  14. I'm heading south as we speak Doubt it makes it all the way here , haven't checked radar in a while..
  15. 18z GFS still a good 6+ on the front end before flipping to a wintry mix and then back to snow..
  16. Haha gotta do what u gotta do lol Taco is the only fast food I like besides chick fila .. I'm heading down that way anyway . I go all the way to Watertown for shopping as I hate tops and love price chopper.. lol
  17. Actually heading down to taco Bell in about an hour lol The central square one is the best I've ever had
  18. Haha nice!!! I lived one block from Nestle/Aldi..Next to hutamaki.. Of course they waited till recently to bring in a taco Bell lmao, absolutely mobbed Everytime I go lol Hoping for one big one then spring
  19. The city reported just under 6" , west Fulton reported 11", micro-climate at it's finest.. Or poor measuring lol Was never a fan of the west Fulton spotter, his numbers were always drastically different then mine in the city.. I did see a couple 8"-9" reports just east of there, so I guess it's possible lol
  20. Maybe now I can melt the ice skating rink also known as my driveway..lol At this just juncture I couldn't care less about snow depth, just looking for one big synoptic event, would love a big march wet snowstorm ..
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