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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Hwo ...Friday through Wednesday. Another round of lake effect snow could bring several inches of accumulation Friday night and Saturday AFD Friday night some widely scattered wraparound snow showers will remain possible across our region...while lake snows continue east and then southeast of both lakes on a slowly veering low level flow. Off Lake Erie these should remain rather minor given the extensive ice cover on lake...a low cap of 3-4 kft...shortening fetch...and shallow background moisture...all of which should keep additional accumulations light. Off Lake Ontario it should be a different story as a higher cap and deeper moisture will be in place with the flow also remaining aligned more closely with the long axis of the lake...all factors that should allow for a more organized band to sink southward from the Tug Hill region to Oswego and Northern Cayuga counties. This should allow for at least a few additional inches of accumulation...and possibly amounts worthy of a winter weather headline. Otherwise winds will gradually relax as the supporting area of low pressure pulls further away from our region... with overnight lows settling back into the upper teens to lower 20s. Snowfall reports so far..
  2. Oswego picked up 9" overnight on 0.79 LE, so ratios not great with this one. I myself kept getting stuck under yellow returns which had a ton of graupel, obviously holding down totals some..
  3. Nice little band we have here.. Oswego is one of the rare places having a good year lol They came into Feb with more snow than Pulaski and 10" more then Fulton, doesn't happen very often..
  4. Starting to think the euro may be a little off with the system on Sun/Mon suppressing it to the south..
  5. Yeah still hanging on to some snow but definitely not like earlier.. kind of a weird flow overall, probably 280ish. Everytime it looks like it's over more fills in lol
  6. New band forming in the central part of the county, nearing 6" here, should be over within the hour..
  7. This shows why models are useless for lake effect.. Measured 3.5"as of 9 pm..
  8. Pretty sweet band right now, tug getting crushed.. Cant have a lake effect event without some graupel mixing in lol
  9. Don't kill the messenger lol Eyeballing an estimated 3" or so, pouring snow at the moment..
  10. Really coming down at the moment, looks like a band starting to develop now..
  11. Yea sucks..Nws Now has the JP from fulton through central square , with about a 90% chance of atleast 8" lol Picked up several burst this afternoon, maybe like 1/2" or so lol About to be hammer time, granted probably wont last long..
  12. Just like gtfo when it come to wind, who the fook has fetishes over wind? Does absolutely nothing but make it feel colder, impossible to measure and causes extensive property damage... Really irks me when people think their opinions matter more then others..
  13. We our having a terrible year here and still almost double that of KROC which is currently 2 inches below average ..
  14. i'd rather have any weather then no weather.. I also live in a colder climo then you..We do better with SWFE type events and almost always do better on the backside..Maybe not so much this year but in an "average" year..
  15. I actually enjoy these types of events it's better then being cold and dry missing everything to the south.. The problem is getting these primary's to weaken in time lol
  16. Thats exactly what it looks like lol Last nights euro was supressed, would think it should jog north some at 12z..
  17. Ukmet agrees with the german.. Would fit the seasonal trend for sure..
  18. Westerly flow is just not as long lasting as i assumed, u can see a lot of this from the lake effect archives.. Best events are long duration with oscillating bands that pass through several times lol But they sure can pack a punch.. Couple events from last year.. Snowfall rates are estimated to have peaked around 3 inches per hour Monday morning judging from NY State Mesonet webcams and snow stakes. Some thunder snow was also noted over the Tug Hill around mid-day Monday, just before the lake effect plume began to weaken. By the time the snow plume quickly diminished Monday afternoon, up to a foot of snow had fallen across southern and central portions of the Tug Hill in just a few hours Monday morning. Given the high snowfall rates produced off of both lakes, including over metro Buffalo during the evening commute, as well as max accumulations over 2 feet over the southern Tug Hill in less than 12 hours, this event earns 3 flakes ***
  19. like i stated the other day we are the real transition zone lol Too many people mistake WSW flow for a straight Westerly flow, from carol to worth is the place to be.. But at the same time it's not suppose to be this bad lol
  20. And just like usual, according the the hrdps we only see a few hours of snow as the band slowly weakens and drops south.. But it could be quite the show for those 3 hours ..This is probably a 3" an hour band with a little over 1/2" liquid falling in like 3 hours..
  21. Just like i said a central oswego county event, granted I'm part of that on the northern edge with a forecast of 9"-17"..
  22. Sr models nailed the change over time right around 1am.. Snowing pretty good, better than anytime this morning lol Big fat wet flakes,
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