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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Another overcast rainy morning.. At least a trace of rain 16 out of the last 19 days...Not complaining though lol I enjoy cool rainy conditions compared to hot and dry
  2. Yup and more rain.. Several SW riding through the flow..
  3. Still coming down here at a pretty good clip, ton of graupel mixing in..
  4. The earliest and latest I've seen actual accumulating snow was Nov 12th (13") and April 16th (3"), both of those coming on the jersey shore just 15-20 miles from the Atlantic ocean..U would of thought I would of beat that living in upstate for about 12 years but nope lol Much more of an anomaly there then here for sure..
  5. I grew up in NYC and NJ lol April 16th was previously my latest...(that I can recall lol)
  6. Nice burst of snow here with some sleet mixing in.. Latest I've ever seen snow, personally..
  7. Giants are officially the worst run franchise in sports lol
  8. Picked up about half inch liquid with last night's cold front, you could really feel that cold Canadian air on the backside. Sitting in the upper 30's at the moment with a strong brisk wind, full overcast. Looks like a chilly next 7 days with mostly low-mid 50s (one day in the upper 40's) and lows averaging out in the low-mid 30's.
  9. Looks like Giants vs Bills week 2, wish it was up here though lol Couple pictures from my trip to the the salmon river falls, next town over in Orwell.. It was nice, and cold, still had some decent snow in spots especially at the bottom..
  10. Strengthening a bit, not sure it makes it up here though..
  11. Pond looking awfully full, highest it's been since I moved here, luckily I have an overflow pipe or it would probably go over it's banks lol
  12. I only make$13 an hour and the wife a little over $14 but we save not spend and have excellent credit, that's all it takes lol It also helps that I'm 36 with no kids lol
  13. Haha..Thanks.. That's the old lady, she would keep up the Xmas tree/lights year round if she could lol I'm far from Rich lol If I was I wouldn't of had to move out of NJ.. Everything u see is financed or on loan, I'll be in debt the rest of my life
  14. Amazing out today Makes me wonder why I still root for snowstorms lol It's been a long time since i could comfortably open the windows..All out of snow too, just a patch here nor there..
  15. Another one to keep an eye on lol Tax day snowstorm..
  16. Haha yep, looks like a wrap... It's been real lol
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