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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Any more west and I'm toast, need a 25 mile jog east lol
  2. Wow the euro is pretty far west lol I may rain soon, lol
  3. After 2 blip runs the euro is back to it's original idea..
  4. I wonder if the weakish precipitation rates and long duration prevent us from getting a warning..Unless they expect 9" over a 24hr period.. For example the rgem has a MAX of 2"-4" over a 6 hr period for most..
  5. Rgem is a little slower getting precipitation in compared to the Nam but it's all snow.. European may be right on track but it's probably off on thermal..
  6. Tomorrow it will be the system is to far west, mixing, minimal snowfall..
  7. I think the euro is to warm..It has a change over at 21z Monday while the Nam is snow by 12z..
  8. While we wait for the most important 0z runs of the early cold season, navy unchanged at 18z.. Tracks from South Central PA to interior SNE..
  9. Looks a bit west or warm or both lol Not for here but just to the east..
  10. Best thing about the in-laws coming to town is Free dinner!! Lol Hibachi here we come
  11. Didn't realize the regional goes past 54 hrs..
  12. Only a handful of members have less than 0.60 LE. Majority have 0.6-1.0 LE
  13. Looked at the first 25 individual members of the ECM ens , almost all look like the euro..
  14. It's not impossible to think some of these models overcorrected.. Euro did yesterday too and corrected/in correct back west today..
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