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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Maybe this cutter will finally break down the pattern..And some blocking!!
  2. It's hard for me to buy the ukmet, trust me I wish I could lol It misses us completely with the synoptic system but nails us with lake effect precip on a Westerly flow.. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  3. Not the prettiest thing in the world but I'd take a couple/few inches of snow..Icon trended north the last few cycles..Gfs still wants to torch us with mostly rain.. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  4. Euro on board with the gfs while the majority of guidance (icon,Ggem,uk etc) are suppressed.. Delivers few/several inches east of Ontario, more as you go north.. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  5. That's one sweet looking long range on the gfs .. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  6. The Adirondacks and tug make out well in both scenarios..
  7. Yeah, well u know how it is, not one model shows the same solution as another so we'll see lol I'm usually not a big fan of those type of events, primary holds on to long and it's mixed precipitation, transfers to early and moisture gets pulled east..
  8. I guess its something to watch while u guys worry about December..
  9. Euro is an apps runner turned coastal for Saturday..
  10. Where have I seen this before? Lol Another front with little extra juice, on the gfs..
  11. We can always sneak one in during a crappy pattern lol With Saturday being the next "wintry" potential..
  12. Near miss for a few/several inches with the follow up energy behind the original coastal..
  13. Only a matter of time before the usual suspects get theirs..
  14. Rain changes over to snow on the Canadian, small area with light accumulation.. Moderation in temperatures begins Sunday night as return flow around the high pressure start to allow a bit less cold air to encroach. Further, by early next week, as high pressure moves off the coast of the northeast, a system or couple of systems will round the base of the long wave trough centered over the upper Great Lakes. This will allow for these systems to track up the east coast with possible impacts to our area by Monday through Tuesday. Unfortunately, clustering of ensembles and agreements amongst operational models is sorely lacking. Thus, confidence in chances of precipitation, precipitation type, and temperatures is low. However, given the preponderance of guidance suggesting a surface low track either just to our east or very far to our east, it seemed prudent to continue to chances of wintry mix, especially during the overnight Monday night time frame.
  15. Last night's euro was close enough to keep me slightly interested, albeit weak..
  16. Ukmet still doing dirty things but it's on its own..
  17. Nam jumps off, Icon jumps on..Kinda starting out like last event lol But I guess that's every event..
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