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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Sh!tttt I'll take a couple inches.. Kbuf says nada.. With that being said Nam is sort of an outlier, at least for east of Ontario..
  2. Too add to your point.. Mean wind flow has been wsw for the most part, not that it matters lol
  3. Nice run from Utica to Albany, need about a 50 miles jog NW..
  4. Gfs has been on the Western side of the envelope for a while now..
  5. Yeah I lived out on Troy for few years, pretty cold out that way..They don't have to worry about warming from the lake.. Fulton for example is like 30/16.. First year here in January was 28/8..Much less cloud cover overnight.. Kalb
  6. If that HP dropped down sooner we could be in business..
  7. Models have been trending east with that..Still 7 days out..
  8. Maybe the tug? I doubt Carol receives 150" of synoptic per year lol Which would be about 1/2 her annual snowfall..(288" to be exact).. She lives at 1500 feet asl not 4000 ..
  9. If we just had a touch more cold, we'd see a few inches
  10. Colder and wetter than average for the month of November so far and yet we will finish below average in the SnowFall department lol
  11. Can't even get snow with lake effect lol The gfs and icon both keep the primary stronger for longer (shocker), through the lakes..
  12. Many of my biggest events since moving to Oswego county have been hybrid events, without the lake I'd see half, if that lol Not sure I'd consider that more synoptic then lake.. How many inland runners have nailed us over the last several years without the help of the lake, not many lol Hell we pretty much need a track up the spine of the apps, good luck with that...
  13. This cutter here creates feet of lake effect.. We all need different wind directions..I'm the only one on this board that needs a Westerly flow lol I'm pretty sure a lakes low doesn't promote NW winds.. But it will change..
  14. Only 11 days to go 12z gfs almost brings a tear to the eye lol
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