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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. If the gefs has a clue, this isn't done trending south..
  2. It will become unsettled across the region during this period...as a broad progressive mid level ridge will give way to a large closed low. The mature storm system will slog its way across the Lower Great Lakes during the course of the weekend with the potential for mixed pcpn increasing with time. While confidence has steadily increased to the point of using Cat pops for Sunday...thermal profiles remain inconsistent as to the p-type. From this vantage point though...a large snowfall appears unlikely...however...there will be the risk for freezing pcpn and or enough wet snow to cause some travel issues. By Monday...there is general consensus that the storm system will be moving away to our east. This will allow cold air to deepen across our region and change the mixed pcpn to snow showers.
  3. It's comical that the NWS added in more rain in the forecast..We have a better shot at no precipitation then full mixed event..
  4. Most of the snow is from the secondary as the primary withers away..
  5. Gfs is a little south with the primary and colder but also less precipitation.. Kroc at 10/1 is 4.1" , so kuchera doesn't always out lol
  6. Gonna suck if the primary goes to far north and then blows up off the coast lol Just on the good side at 18z..
  7. Another potentially significant storm system looks to impact the area during the weekend. At this forecast range it is too early to be specific, but this system could bring an extended period of wintry precipitation to western and north central New York. Colder air wrapping into the area behind this system Monday will bring the potential for accumulating northwest flow lake effect snow.
  8. Euro is probably worst case scenario for us unless the secondary tracks inland..
  9. So your telling me no chance? Haha The model runs that cut this seem to have better lake effect potential..
  10. Canadian was looking pretty good until it found a weakness and cut lol
  11. 12z gfs coming in North.. Similar to the Canadian ensembles posted above..
  12. U guys in wny would enjoy the icon, practically a straight up cutter.
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