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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Rpm!!!!! Lol I think the weather channel uses that model or did at one time..
  2. My point is if the initial slug is a mix and the bulk of the coastal misses to the east, that's what u get and I bet they are going with that..
  3. Well if Rochester mixes with the initial over running, then probably not far off.. Watch the trends on the hrrr as we get closer..
  4. With that being said, they still have 5"-9" in the forecast tomorrow and 90% of snow Monday..
  5. Maybe the soundings show something different but that's not even close to a mix..
  6. NWS is probably going with the gfs for the front end (warmest model) and the euro with the coastal (misses us just to the east) lol
  7. I'm not sure we are going to see a lull anymore, maybe lighter snows..
  8. Euro with a westward push with the heavier snow totals..
  9. Euro pretty much is all Snow with the over running precip, icon and gfs are most likely to warm.. But the coastal is a little too far east..
  10. Jumped east like the Canadian.. Not that I would complain about 8"-10" lol
  11. That's a lot of sleet ..Probably about 3" worth..It goes in the books as snow!! Lol
  12. Hmmmm.lol You know I gotta ride or die with the icon lol
  13. What a crush job for Oswego county lol Unfortunately it's an outlier here..
  14. Icon has been quite consistent with the initial snow on Sunday.. Last 8 runs
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