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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Just under 5" as of 4pm, not doing much of anything at the moment..
  2. Thermal profiles this evening will still support some rain or freezing rain for the far western counties...while snow and possibly some sleet or freezing rain will be found east of Lake Ontario. As we progress through the night...weak cold advection will be JUST enough to allow any mixed pcpn to grudgingly change to wet snow. While most areas are not expected to pick up more an 1 to 3 inches of snow...deeper moisture being fed back into the Finger Lakes region will be acted upon by a robust shortwave that is currently racing across Kentucky. As this mid level feature is circulated northward across the Finger Lakes later tonight...moderate to heavy snow will develop. Snow accumulations tonight of 4 to 6 inches can be expected from Ontario county to southern Lewis county where a winter storm warning remains in place. On Monday...a large (but not overly strong) area of low pressure off the coast of New Jersey will work its way up the coast...eventually moving off Long Island by late afternoon. This will keep a deep fetch of Atlantic moisture in place across New York state with a cyclonic flow and some localized orographic lift supporting more snow. The steadiest of this will remain over the Finger Lakes and the eastern Lake Ontario region where several more inches of accumulation will be likely. The snow will then taper off from northwest to southeast during the afternoon and evening. Temperatures on Monday are not expected to make it above freezing
  3. NEAR TERM /THROUGH MONDAY NIGHT/... The mixed icy precipitation has largely come to an end across the far western counties as of 20z (3 PM)...although fresh echoes on upstream radars show that more showers will move in (and develop) as we push towards this evening. Further east...the mixed precipitation is falling as moderately heavy snow east of Lake Ontario. Accumulations of 3 to 5 inches will be possible by nightfall from Oswego county to the Thousand Islands region. This steadier pcpn is being fed by a southerly 40kt low level jet that has moved to the eastern portion of the state.
  4. NJ will probably see more snow than we do lol Nam has double digits just away from the coast..
  5. Here we go, flakes are getting large, see how long I can hold the warm air off lol
  6. Mix line is stuck just SW of Bville and Syracuse proper, at least for now..
  7. I'm 40+ miles north of Syracuse, still got away to go.. If the coastal took over the precip would probably collapse lol
  8. Took the gfs long enough to realize we aren't going to mix lol
  9. Doesn't hurt we got done to 11.4° overnight under clear skies, feels like a heat wave, relatively speaking..
  10. Upgraded to a warning, snow totals pretty much the same..
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