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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Could be a little LES on the backside of the next system as well.
  2. West winds are always stronger than any other wind direction, that's why u always see that disconnect from the lake..Sucks for port Ontario-pulaski, I'm on the border as usual lol
  3. This one has the potential to be all wintry or a miss like the European shows.. Still 7 days out..
  4. Ggem cuts into the lakes but I don't hate the look. I need a storm to follow lol
  5. So tomorrow looks to start out wnw of some sort before the band breaks apart and re-forms on a SW flow ahead of the clipper.. Wednesday is more up in the air as some models (rgem, Ggem, icon etc) are now keeping this more Westerly-wsw out ahead of another northern stream disturbance.. Previous runs had a NW flow developing. I love the unpredictability of lake effect lol
  6. The mid month cutter pretty much acts as a 50/50 with HP coming down and fresh cold air..This is our next synoptic threat, I think..
  7. This is the system the euro was advertising just behind the mid month cutter..Has some potential, at least on the front end. As it stands now..
  8. Could be a couple/few inches for southern areas before the band lifts north ahead of the clipper..If the rgem is to be believed..
  9. Now I'm not saying December hasn't sucked because they have lol Last year 40" in November, 20" in December..
  10. People get so worked up over anomalies like we live in NYC or something. My avg high is like 28/29 , we can afford a little warmth lol NYC gets 27" a year with a split of 39/26 lol
  11. Must be a Redfield thing lol I have pictures from the next couple days as well and it looked no different. Actually I have pics of snow around Christmas all 4 winters I've been here..
  12. Not to be an ass here but this was last year Xmas morning..
  13. I'm not so sure about that bro..I think we are where we should be ... November is like a 15" month and December 50"+ ..We are 1/3 through December..
  14. Better positioning of HP could of yielded a decent run for mid month. Still close to 200 hrs out..
  15. I've also noticed, just like last year the "expected snowfall" is pretty much the same as "high end" ..
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