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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. It's out of the NW, just has a wierd look to it lol All the stuff that was near Watertown is diving south..
  2. Could see some"Mexico bay" snow tonight..It's been showing up on several models..Near Hastings picked up 9" from Mexico bay snow earlier this year, super high ratios..Yea I'm greedy lol
  3. It wouldn't be a LES event without graupel, getting a bunch of it right now..
  4. Unless that's my measurement lol Usually it says"social media" But it matches exactly to my total lol
  5. What the fudge lol A new spotter in my area.. I live 3.5 NW of Altmar.. I'm pretty sure this is strictly LES.. 4 NW Altmar 10.3 1130 AM 12/18 Trained Spotter
  6. Spotters recorded 3"-5" to your north and south lol
  7. I would think the tug comes in at 1 1/2' + total..
  8. With the hat on looks a little like Clint Frasier lol
  9. Full sunshine!!! Lol Another 2 .75" since my last measurement, storm total 12.75".. Forecasted another couple/few inches this evening..
  10. Pretty much since I woke up 730 am or so.. Starting to wind down a little..
  11. Heavy snow and gerrit cole press conference, doesn't get much better lol
  12. I'm on several other boards that have no limits lol Not sure why this board has one.. I litterly upload 40mb videos lol
  13. Go to "my account" then "attachment" and clear them..
  14. Rgem not doing great for this area though..No model is lol
  15. U can see it slightly moved north which means it has to come back through me to go south lol
  16. Third SWS since earlier this morning.. A BAND OF LAKE EFFECT SNOW WILL AFFECT SOUTHERN JEFFERSON...LEWIS AND NORTHERN OSWEGO COUNTIES... A band of lake effect snow producing snow fall rates of 2 to 3 inches per hour will continue east of Lake Ontario this morning. The heaviest snow will be found from southern Jefferson, central and southern Lewis, and northern Oswego counties. The band will move a few miles to the north during the remainder of the morning before moving south again early this afternoon.
  17. If u include the 2.5" of synoptic, I'm right at 10" since yesterday morning..
  18. U can start to see a band forming on a NW trajectory..
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