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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Why the hate for the European lol It's literally post after post..
  2. Euro looks different once again, complex scenario..Will take a while to nail down..
  3. Canadian was a nice run for you wny boys..I'm guessing that's from a farther south ULL... GFS ensembles are ok lol Few inches or so on the mean..
  4. Icon, gfs and Canadian all do something different but all deliver the goods lol Now we wait 6 days
  5. Make sure you have enough room in your attachments..
  6. Thanks Pauly, same to you!! Canadian much farther south with the ULL, same time gfs is north of maine..
  7. Yeah you ain't kidding lol Still 150+hrs out though which sucks haha ULL goes just to our north.
  8. Still a a lot to be ironed out.. This is after a ton of rain lol
  9. Gfs the clear winner with this one, at least in terms of phasing over the middle of the country..
  10. Interesting thing about the European is it wants to develop a couple waves of LP inland...If the front was just a little farther east. Gfs has flirted with this idea as well..
  11. Gfs is phase happy, more so than any other guidance..
  12. From this point onward through the rest of the long term period, there is significant uncertainty within the model guidance that will impact temperatures, precipitation timing, and precipitation type. The GFS and GEFS mean are in utter disarray, while similarly, the GFS and ECMWF place the CWA on opposite sides of the low-level pattern such that the differences at 850 hPa exceed 15C. This yields an extremely low confidence forecast for most of the extended beyond Friday. That said, blended model guidance was largely favored with little confidence in any of the poorly clustered operational guidance.
  13. We see Some light rain from a northern stream disturbance but the southern system just meanders lol
  14. The main vort associated with this system goes off the SE coast..
  15. Looks like we will back our way into a white Christmas lol Still about 6"-7" in the open areas, only a couple more hours of warming today, forecast tomorrow is around freezing..
  16. If u don't have this site yet u should lol Here is Webster NY which has about 10" less than Rochester proper.. https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/GHCND/stations/GHCND:USC00300608/detail
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