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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Time to start turning my attention to Monday lol Looks to be some enhancement east-ene of the lake.. I'll give it till tomorrow before it starts crapping the bed lol
  2. Euro still has a nice size snowstorm Tuesday night/Wednesday.. Saturday system is a little to warm for CNY, few/several inches for wny depending on temps..
  3. Looks colder next week, Monday-wed with several clippers, better shot as some appreciable snow..
  4. Not much of a consensus.. NAM/HRW products always look good lol
  5. 3 k Nam looks pretty good but ratios are less than 10-1..
  6. Stronger more consolidated northern stream on the rgem compared to the NAM products.. Winds up 996mb over philly at hr 54..
  7. The preference is to be between the 12Z GFS/12Z ECMWF but with a slightly westward track of their surface lows given ensemble mean placement. Due to poor ensemble agreement and poor run to run consistency in the guidance, confidence is below average.
  8. Interestingly enough the same position the navy has it..
  9. This is what happens when u get a quicker/cleaner phase.. I wouldn't worry to much about p-type on the icon lol
  10. It comes down to the phasing or lack thereof.. Southern stream energy out paces northern stream until offshore..U get a progressive wave that quickly scoots off the coast..
  11. Bro that's a CF that u get a shower from, it also sets up a snowstorm..The min u guys see green u freak out lol Would everyone rather have 40/70 Bm storms lol We live in the interior, we need systems to run inland, it's always a fine line...
  12. Overall the euro looked pretty good.. Synoptic potential the 4th-5th, 7th, 11th with lake effect in between.
  13. Though it is hard to trust a model that looked like this last run..
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