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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. CMC is weenish as well.. Nice lake effect potential day 7-10..
  2. Just for FUN I repeat just for FUN.. This is NOT a real map..
  3. Yeah with actually having a little cold air u can still see snow/wintry from cutters/apps runners.. Almost everything on the gfs still runs inland..
  4. Oh man sorry to hear that, I'm hoping for the best.. I'll give a quick story.. Back in 2010 after my pops unfortunately passed away from cancer I decided to add a new kitty to the family, I named him E.J (my pops initials), well when he was 6 months old we went to get him neutered and after a day or so I noticed he was extremely lethargic and could hardly breathe..So I rushed him to the emergency vet and they had to put him in an oxygen tank so he could breathe, turns out he had heart disease and heart failure (which is very rare for cats that young) , doctors didn't think he would make it the week, we were starting to run out of money as the in-laws put up 5000 to keep him alive!! Finally we had a break through and he started breathing on his own but the prognosis was terrible, average cat with medicine lives about 180 days..We were sent home with a special compound medicine only for him, well I'm glad to say he will be turning 10 next month!!! (Knock on wood) Point is God works in mysterious ways, always keep the faith man..
  5. These are the temps out ahead of the system, thanks in large part to the CF and HP to the north..
  6. Way out there, not quite fantasy land but close..
  7. The next system has a little potential, behind the front, wrt getting snow back on the ground..lol Puts down some fresh cold out ahead of the next system which is right on its heels..
  8. Any more west and we'll have just cloudy skies lol Rain jackpot right over Carol lol
  9. Here's my baby girl next to her favorite brother, who by the way is a stray that just started showing up at my new house.. I think she is also some kind of beagle/hound mix..She is listed as a German Shepherd lol Her mom is all Sheppard but the dad is unknown..She was originally a "guard" dog, so if u want to get kissed to death u know what house to rob lol
  10. Thanks bud.. Yeah it's an experience I won't soon forget..It started with here fumbling around like she was losing here balance, then her entire body started to tremble and here eyes where all dazed and confused..She wasn't responding at all..My girl thought she was chocking so I tried to clear her airway but her mouth was clenched shut..I go to start the car and rush her to the emergency vet (35-40 min away) and I turn around she's back to normal lol I was like WTF..Now Everytime she sneezes I'm ready to rush her to the vet..As bad as it looks seizures aren't painfull, just scary looking..
  11. Thanks guys, appreciate it.. I'm 37 with no kids , not sure if I'll ever have any tbh, life is hard enough.. I do have 5 pets though, which are basically like my children, it may sound messed up but I show more love and compassion to animals then I do to the human race.. Animals are as loyal as it gets..
  12. Gfs was quite active with 4-5 storms over the next 10 days, several bouts of lake effect..
  13. Pops 70% a week out, quite confident lol Thursday Snow showers likely. Cloudy, with a high near 36. Chance of precipitation is 70%.
  14. On the weather front.. Nevertheless, there is quite a large spread in the model guidance to the exact synoptic details with this upper level system. However, in general the low pressure system corresponding to this upper level feature, acts to push the high pressure out of the area Wednesday night and provide the weather occurring Thursday into Friday. The low passing through could be an intense system, as prior to its arrival a strong wind event may occur and as the system passes rain changing over to snow is possible. Behind this system, lake effect snow may develop east of the lakes by the end of late next week. Will have to keep an eye on this late week system as we get closer.
  15. Sorry to hear that CNY, I'll be praying for your pup.. I bring my dog to the Liverpool animal health center...They have been so good to me that I didn't change vets when I moved..They will litterly always squeeze u in during an emergency..
  16. 31.1° and light freezing drizzle... Unfortunately have to drive in this crap as my pup had a seizure late last night, I freaked the fook out, lol The unfortunate part of living in the country is not having any emergency vets or hospitals near by . Ice accumulating on the colder surfaces..
  17. Could be a little slick in the AM if the Nam is to be believed..
  18. Good ole flood watch.. .FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SUNDAY EVENING... The Flood Watch continues for * A portion of central New York...including the following counties...Jefferson...Lewis and Oswego. * From Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening. * Periods of rain will develop across the region, becoming widespread and heavy Saturday afternoon through Saturday night. Total rainfall amounts may reach 1.5 to 2.5 inches. Snowpack across the higher terrain will also melt, resulting in further runoff. * Heavy rain falling on nearly saturated ground will result in excessive runoff. This may result in flooding of low lying areas and urban areas. Flooding is also possible on some larger rivers as well, including the Black River Current snowpack..
  19. U would think this would kick of some lake effect behind the front, which is light-years away..
  20. Look at all that snow just to our north lol Step down process. Our luck it goes from cutters to 40/70Bm storms lol
  21. Possibly but that's all you got for the next 10 days lol
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