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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Bro it had all rain a couple days ago..Where's that now,? Who cares about track if it can't get temp profiles correct..It had rain to Quebec at one point..
  2. Icon as usual the warmest model for both systems, that model is as inconsistent as they come..
  3. Yup ... If the system didn't slow down things could of been different.. Originally I had 70%pops for Friday evening, now snow doesn't start till early Saturday afternoon..It allowed the HP to move north but it's still close enough to stop it from going much farther north than L.Ontario..
  4. It's the big blob of nothing that's the killer lol
  5. Euro doesn't have that big green lol Actually mix line stays near Kroc, Nam and Canadian also colder than the gfs.. The reason the clown maps look like poop is lack of precip, 1/3"-1/2" LE..
  6. You guys are getting to pricey for me, I'm out..
  7. U can see where the warm front gets to.. It's the SE trajectory of the WF that is saving us right now..
  8. If the system was closer to us the warm front would push through quicker..
  9. U can tell where the warm front is.. Look how it's draped..
  10. Come on brother lol Go look at the 2m temps, ond day above freezing and that's the last day of the run.. Of course we will warm up with southerly flow ahead of a CF..
  11. It's a wierd event lol You have a warm front that enhances precipitation once u get to Oswego, onieda, Fulton, Montgomery counties but south of there is almost nothing lol The warm front has to pass every one ..I guess it's all tied to the track of the low .
  12. My biggest concern is the gfs has been to consistent of late lol I'm waiting for that other shoe to drop..
  13. He's talking about the sat system, as one more bump north and we Fooked lol First you than me.
  14. If u look at the HRW members they have that"traditional" lake Enhancement look.. Problem is the hi Rez Canadian/rgem and Nam/3k look nothing like that..
  15. It's funny we worry so much about temps but not realizing it's a pretty dry system lol 0.3"-0.4" of liquid for most that aren't in that stronger band wherever that may set up, according to the European..
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