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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Here was the 18z euro.. Fwiw Only goes out to 90..
  2. So Derek Jeter is officially in the HOF.. He got 396 out of 397 votes, wow lol
  3. You can the difference in location wrt to the defo band, obviously this has huge impacts.. Outside of this area could be some white rain with marginal temps and lighter precip rates.. It's usually hard for everyone to win lol
  4. Icon wasn't to dissimilar to the gfs wrt track, just a touch quicker and a bit warmer..
  5. I know I post random shit lmao 5 extra days this year? Looks like it..
  6. Moving on into the longer term portion of the forecast...low pressure over the Ohio Valley Friday evening will lift northeastward to about Lake Erie Friday night and Saturday...while gradually weakening as its energy transfers to a developing secondary coastal low along or just offshore of the Mid-Atlantic coastline. The secondary coastal low will then continue to deepen as it moves northeastward off the New England coastline Sunday and Sunday night...while lingering deep cyclonic flow across our region gradually gives way to surface-based ridging building eastward from the Upper Great Lakes. In terms of PoPs...increasing synoptic forcing and moisture attendant to the initial primary low and its parent upper level low will spread increasing precipitation chances from southwest to northeast Friday night and Saturday. In the official forecast...have reflected this by spreading likely to categorical PoPs across far western New York Friday night...then across the remainder of the area on Saturday. The deep moist cyclonic flow on the backside of the strengthening coastal system should then maintain at least a general likelihood of pcpn areawide Saturday night and Sunday...with the precip then quickly tapering off Sunday night as the deeper synoptic moisture gets stripped away...and as the aforementioned ridge builds eastward into our region. With regard to ptype...the precipitation may initially begin as some light rain Friday night...with steady cooling of the atmospheric column then driving a transition over to mainly wet snow as the night progresses. During this transition period...a brief wintry mix cannot be ruled out dependent upon how quickly the boundary layer and a modest warm layer aloft cool relative to each other...however confidence in this remains too low for inclusion in the forecast given both the time frame and continued model differences in how thermal profiles will evolve. After that time...the precipitation should tend to be more in the way of wet snow through the remainder of the event...though marginal thermal profiles may still be supportive of some rain mixing back in again across the lower elevations during the day Saturday and again on Sunday. While this system will be nowhere near as strong as the one that passed through our region this past weekend...it could still bring a notable water-laden snowfall to portions of our region from later Friday night through Sunday...with this potential heavily dependent on the eventual track/strength of the low and its resultant influence on thermal profiles across our region...all of which remains uncertain this far out in advance. At this point...it appears the best potential for such a snowfall will lie across our higher terrain...which should run a bit colder overall throughout the event.
  7. Some nice dendrites falling here.. First time I've ever seen spectrum news use the gfs lol They showed it's futurcast, no mention of the European..
  8. Yeah it's hard to tell.. I've see this map floating around and it does look like a lot of liquid.. Unfortunately don't have north of this lol
  9. Track means everything, obviously lol Ukmet is even farther west with the heaviest being near kbuf..
  10. I enjoy wet snow, plasters everything, picturesque, has good staying power.. I'm not complaining
  11. We lose about an inch or so with ratios.. Some places a little more..
  12. Going to be a nice run for parts of central/eastern NY..
  13. Gfs coming in a little south with the primary and colder.. Edit:Next frame looks a bit warmer lol
  14. Icon has some nice wrap around as well a it goes into the gulf of Maine..
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