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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. 0z gfs is a killer B, runs up the OV and transfers, secondary then runs inland lol
  2. The strength could be a negative as it could be more compact..
  3. Quite the interesting event . This morning when we had heavy precip it was sleet, light precip snow lol Then we went into a lull even though radar showed heavy Precipitation ..We jumped to 38°!! Lol while it was snowing in the SW part of the county.. Now my temp has dropped 6° in an hour or so and plain snow . Headed down south on 81 and it's rain with temps in the mid 30', opposite of what it was earlier..
  4. WWA issued fwiw WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST MONDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected and possibly a bit of sleet or freezing rain at the start. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 9 inches. * WHERE...The Eastern Lake Ontario Region. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Monday. * IMPACTS...Plan on snow covered and slippery road conditions. Travel could be difficult by Sunday night across the higher elevations of the Tug Hill.
  5. Icon also misses the phase, storm is going to have to produce it's own cold air for the coast to see snow , without the northern stream"injection"..
  6. Euro is pretty much all southern stream next weekend, not much shot to make it up here..
  7. Euro showed a changeover around 18z the last 4 runs..Has over 1/2" LE in less than 6 hrs, see what happens.. Mostly sleet here at the moment..
  8. Quite the batch of precip heading north.. I'm sorta in a lull at the moment..
  9. 12z rgem is even colder.. To bad the heaviest stuff misses us just to the east lol
  10. Euro control had a late capture with the next system, retrogrades that bad boy right into Maine, yes please..
  11. Nam flips us over to snow between 1pm-4pm.. Granted it's showing all rain right now lol
  12. Models had this as heavy rain but in reality it's heavy sleet, which should obviously limit the amount of liquid we see.. Eventually it should change to all rain..
  13. All snow now, very light ..It's all about damage control..
  14. I must be on 20 min delay lol Some Snow mixing in at the moment, still mostly sleet.
  15. Temp dropped 3 degrees since 8am, still all sleet..Hrrr is lost, no way we jump up 9° in 2hours with heavy precip and DPs still in the mid 20s..
  16. The next system comes down to phasing of northern and southern stream energies, this will take a while to figure out.. We could still see a few inches from the northern stream disturbance, if they stay separate..
  17. I guess we'll see soon enough, temps are slowly dropping not rising, hard for me to believe we jump up 7° in the next couple hours..DPs are still in the mid 20s.. I have a sneaky suspicion the euro is about to school all the models..
  18. So hrrr has ksyr getting to 42° at 11am, at the same time the Nam is 33° and rgem 34°
  19. All sleet at the moment, coming down heavy, 35°..
  20. So the European still going with some snow in the middle of the event... Going to be interesting to see what transpires..
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