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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. The extended forecast all hinges on next week's system.. 6z Gfs for example has 20s for high because the system goes south of us. The European tries lol Would be like upper 30s/low40s..
  2. Looks like a wave riding a CF, looks better than in did yesterday..
  3. Gfs with a little light-moderate snow with the northern stream as well.. While the track of the possible Nor`easter looks to not directly impact our region, its track to the northeast will influence how the model guidances handle the passage of a shortwave disturbance impacting our region. This shortwave trough axis appears to move through the Upper Great Lakes Friday night, crossing NYS Saturday evening into Sunday. As the shortwave passes, chances of rain and snow showers increase. Most of the precipitation falling through out this period should be snow, however there are chances for some mixed/rain showers in the lower terrain. The precipitation should switch over to all fall as snow during the overnight hours on Saturday into Sunday and remain as snow throughout the day on Sunday.
  4. For a lower Rez model, ukmet shows lake effect pretty good, not that I believe it necessarily lol Kicks off some LES with the northern stream energy..
  5. Yeah, European also had a sizable shift SE with the day 7 system, be interesting to see which way this one trends in the coming days..
  6. Looks like a gradient type pattern in the LR, just need to be on the northern side lol Multiple impulses ride through the flow, some good, some not so good..If the gfs has a clue..
  7. Looking at the 6z gfs, we miss about 5 storms to the SE, I guess that's better than seeing cutter after cutter lol Some weak northern stream disturbances and intermittent LES save give us at least something over the next 2 weeks, verbatim..Gfs is almost to active to get any sustained lake effect going..
  8. Yeah, it's Real.. It's an alert not advisory.. Very uncommon as temps have to drop into the 40s in S Florida.. They are still alive just dormant lol
  9. Lol. I didn't know that was a thing..It was for south Florida last week..Seen it on live rescue haha
  10. Downgraded to advisory..Only expecting 3-5 iguanas.. Leapin’ Lizards! National Weather Service Issues Advisory for Falling Iguanas!
  11. I've done it!!! Below freezing, 1st time in 3days lmao It's been a constant 33°-34° Even the couple inches I picked up last night came with temps just above freezing.
  12. What's funny is that was one of the best gfs fantasy runs In a while, with a couple rain makers mixed in lol We know it's not going to happen like this anyway.. Ggem had it's own fantasy run We have seen this movie before..
  13. Some heavier embedded returns headed this way, snow has picked up some over the last 5"-10" min ..Just a solid coating so far..
  14. Gfs is loving these cutters/inland system followed by WSW/SW LES as we get transient shots of cold behind each system..Would do no good for most of us lol
  15. Light snow here, but it's actually accumulating since I'm finally at freezing lol
  16. It's amazing how drastic these change from one day to the next. You gain one, lose another lol
  17. That storm really isn't getting suppressed, just no mechanism to bring it north.. And as alluded to by the NWS and many on here, +Epo is keeping all the cold air north..Very far north lol
  18. Canadian has a lot of snow over the next 10 days, but it's D7-D10 and mostly all Lake effect, so yeah lol
  19. Ukmet was a little better but it's pretty strong and compact..We need more Northern stream interaction to blossom the NW flank, which is what the Icon does.. Quite a bit of work to be done, that's for sure lol
  20. So I'm pretty convinced that Oswego county (outside of the tug) is the dink and dunk capital of the east coast lol Places like Fulton are no different than Syracuse, they just dink and dunk more lol Here is the#of daily Snowfalls compared to annual Snowfall for Fulton, over the last 5 years.. 2015-2016 45 Snowfalls 106.2" 2016-2017 63 Snowfalls 159.8" 2017-2018 63 Snowfalls 174.2" 2018-2019 72 Snowfalls 139.8" 2019-2020 39 Snowfalls 51.3' About 80% of events are trace-3" lol Maybe 5-10% is an actual decent event.. Expectations now in check lol
  21. Ship is slowly sailing.. This one had some potential lol Northern stream may drop an inch or two, whoop de do.. Icon is one of the farther NW models too..lol Euro and EPS have been unphased this entire time, so far..
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