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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. I got lucky with this one , picking up 9" at the tail end..But it was originally forecasted Westerly over me and Matt.. Another one that was a pretty big bust..
  2. This is the third event in 2 winters I was forecast 30"+ in the short term and it went north each time haha
  3. Now imagine living here Guess I gotta take the good with the bad lol
  4. Could add some high ratio stuff on a NW flow late sat into early Sunday which is being picked up by the rgem..
  5. Twc is in town.. We have made it !!! WXwatcher you could of been on TV!! Lol About an hour ago..
  6. Yeah a good 4"-5" here since this morning, probably take a measurement soon.. Still snowing decent but let up since earlier..
  7. It wouldn't be hard to be off by 5 miles or so, granted at 10-1 , would be really good but probably overdone.. We'll know by later tonight when the real fun starts..
  8. Yup, same here, nice pic!!! Just had a 36 mph wind gust so starting to see blizzard like conditions..
  9. Well as if right now winds are almost due west.. Same for the Fulton airport That should change later as the system backs farther west..
  10. Max wind gusts so far 28.6mph , that's at about 3 meters.. Just in case I grow a few feet..
  11. It's not just the gfs either, euro and ukmet are similar with wind direction..The flow off the lake looks pretty similar to the ARW, I guess we can hope lol
  12. Yeah Rgem was really close for us on the southern edge..I would consider a foot a win for sure lol
  13. Looks like a single band is starting to fire up .
  14. Is it to much to ask for the gfs to school all the SR models lol
  15. Really nasty out right now, starting to add up.. Wind direction 264° so almost due west..
  16. Another crusher on the ARW but like I mentioned yesterday, it has a huge southern bias.. Maybe it can pull one out of it's ass lol
  17. Nam products have 2"-3" for Fulton and that includes a couple hours of snow today lol NWS still has 15" for them haha Looking good for the Enhancement portion so far..2.6" so far..
  18. Rgem always wins lol We had 2 huge bust last year similar to this lol Rgem nailed them both, something about those WSW winds lol
  19. Some guidance is closer than others so still worth keeping an eye on lol
  20. NWS is reluctant to reduce the Snowfall all at once lol Pulaski went from 31"-25"-22" over the last 3 updates..
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