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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Ripping pretty good out right now.. Anytime u get dark blue returns, rates are close to an inch an hour, it just doesn't last that long lol
  2. Could be a decent one for some Enhancement from this vantage point.. Noreasters do nothing for here lol
  3. Comes down to phasing of n and s stream energies..Icon does it enough to get us involved.. Canadian too late but good enhancement for the south shore, we follow lol
  4. Obviously this is taken with a grain of salt but next winter has a decent probability of a la Nina, obviously we like to stay away from strong lol
  5. I've seen chatter on various boards about next year being just as bad lol Especially the PAC, hope not... Obviously a long ways away...
  6. Could still squeak out a couple more inches from this event lol
  7. .Oswego County... Redfield 8N 31.2 700 AM 2/29 Co-Op Observer 3 SSW REDFIELD 20.0 530 AM 2/29 Public
  8. Flow is out of the NW not WNW so the bands are pretty weak.. Kinda stuff that will hang on all day for an inch or two lol
  9. Finished here with 12.25" total over the last 2 days, getting some light NW stuff at the moment.. This may be it for winter.. Was Hoping to see at least a few inches to hit 100" lol
  10. Still hanging in there lol Starting snowing around 10:15, so almost 2 hrs to make it through, so far..
  11. A touch over 4", still snowing good..11" storm total so far.
  12. May come close to yesterdays totals in just a couple of hours lol Probably another 30 min or so.
  13. Yeah, took about 20 min to get an inch.. Should get a quick few inches..
  14. Probably closing in on an inch and seems to be moving pretty slow..
  15. NWS going with 3-7/4-8 for the county tonight, seems overboard to me.. Guess we'll see.
  16. Where do you think I live bro, Montague Band will drop through around midnight.
  17. I'll be watching for trends.. Nothing else to do lol
  18. That band could make it down here overnight, at least for a little according to the hrrr..Really close..
  19. So the high Rez Canadian gives us very little through the night but than dumps 3/4" liquid in 4 hours under this band lol Rgem also has it over us for 3-4 hours tomorrow around 0z.. Looks like I'll finish the first part of the event with 7"..
  20. Late February sun angle lol Should get more organized this evening..
  21. I remember the 2nd event well because the next day we had a light wind event from the same(reorganized) band and it missed him again Sry matt
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