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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Coming down quite hard..We have had some dense fog over the last 2 days..
  2. This next event looks crappy for CNY but looks decent for parts of WNY..I could see a 3"-5" if ratios end up near 10/1.
  3. Gfs trying to keep hope alive for the winter fanatics lol Several chances at some snow over the next 10-14 days..
  4. Yeah, for now Dave lol..Probably be mostly gone by week's end.
  5. Picked up 1/2" liquid yesterday, already nearing 50° today..
  6. I think we get one more shot of winter especially SW.. Probably a 2"-4" factoring in Ratios..
  7. Will change next run but spring has arrived at the end of the gfs..
  8. Yup that about does it.. I'll be lucky to get that 1/4" I need lol Could be a few inches for wny as the northern stream dives down to catch the S stream... Gfs has nothing pass mid month, which can change but doubtful...
  9. Cold advection will change the precip over to all snow late Friday afternoon or early Friday evening. An area of deep wrap around moisture, northerly upslope flow, and some lake response (H85 temps -10c or so) may produce at least some snow accumulations later Friday through Saturday morning. Early for sure, but if ECMWF pattern and QPF verifies (been showing this for a few days now), then somewhere across the Niagara Frontier would probably have at least a few inches of snow by Saturday morning. This system pulls well offshore into the Atlantic on Saturday, with limited snow showers south of the lakes ending by Saturday afternoon. High pressure will then bring dry weather Saturday night and Sunday, with a warming trend still on track for early next week
  10. Guidance overall has some snow this weekend but the big stuff is east.. Getting late in the season for dink and dunking lol
  11. Euro still a late bloomer, some wrap around, NW flow on the backside verbatim.. Looks like some type of inverted trough as well..
  12. Fulton average Snowfall is around 175" a year, not much different than here, it's the temps, especially at night that make the difference..My snow actually stays on the ground lol
  13. Yeah they have made a comeback lol Much of that has to do with the last event when they had double digits and me nothing lol They have also had a lot more hours of Lake effect than I have this year.. Every year is different, Fulton has had more snow than Redfield on multiple occasions (not N Redfield lol)..
  14. Maybe for the 3 days but just yesterday seems like a stretch but I guess you never know.. My source for Fulton weather went up 13" since February 20th, which most if not all should be from this event.. Granted Fulton proper is in a league of it's own most years lol http://www.tsforecast.com/
  15. Can Syracuse make the comeback after trailing all winter? With one month to go.. Especially with all the trash talk from those Rochester boys. Doesn't include anything that might of fell overnight..
  16. Euro is a late bloomer and crushes new England, throws some wrap around moisture our way.
  17. Gfs has the least amount of interaction from the OP Models but still does us a solid with the northern stream disturbance.. I just need 1/4" for 100", I better get it lol
  18. Finished February with a split of 34/17.. Another above average month.. We had a 5day warm-up (40s/50s) between the 23rd-27th that really skewed the mean..
  19. Cleared out at like 230am and than radiational cooling went to work... My Forecast low was 12°
  20. A nice band forming overhead..Won't last long of course lol The southern tug has been doing well today..
  21. My PWS showing a west-wnw flow, between 275° and 290°..Kfzy reported west as well about an hour ago..
  22. Still plenty of moisture.. 1.5" since this morning which matches well with the Richland report of 14"-15" total as of 11am.. Richland is across the street lol
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