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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Oswego county has been getting a lot of negative results so far.. OSWEGO — As of 4:30 p.m. Friday, County Health Director Jiancheng Huang reports there are no positive cases of COVID-19 coronavirus among 69 people tested. A total of 54 people are being monitored by the County Health Department. All 69 met the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) criteria, he said, and have been tested. “I can only tell you, no positive results,” Mr. Huang said.
  2. Coronavirus cases by county, NY.. Hasn't been updated yet today.. Still no confirmed cases in Oswego county, hoping to keep it that way.. Rural living has its advantages, like limited human contact lol https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/county-county-breakdown-positive-cases
  3. Finished just shy of a 50° drop off after the front (69°-20°)..
  4. A lot of those cases in Italy haven't had an "outcome" yet, so I'm not sure we know the real numbers..
  5. Euro fwiw East of Ontario (tug) into the dacks could stay mostly below freezing during the day, I get to 33° or so imby..Gets me my 100" and prevents a snowless March lol
  6. Dark clouds starting to roll in, made it up to 69.1°, getting a bit breezy out..
  7. 66° and feeling muggy, just under 1/4" liquid..
  8. Front is on the move, stuck in the mid 50's this morning, starting to warm, nearing 60°..
  9. Almost a 50° drop off expected today/tonight with a Forecast of 68/19..
  10. Nam back down to earth which was to be expected lol looks similar to the ukmet imby..1"-3"/2"-4" type event, maybe 3"-6" in the higher elevations..Still snowing lightly at the end of the run.. Timing sucks though..
  11. I see the NAM hasn't changed lol Still snowing verbatim..
  12. Ukmet decent as well.. Canadian is farther SE and warmer..See what the European shows..
  13. SACRAMENTO (CBS SF) — Stating that the people of California need to do more in the face of the growing coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom Thursday evening announced a statewide stay-at-home order to reduced the threat of COVID-19. Newsom’s office had already hinted at the weighty nature of what the governor would be talking about, noting that a “major announcement” would be made during a 6:30 p.m. address on the state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. “Our fate and future is inside of us. We’re not victims of circumstance,” Newsom said. “We can make decisions to meet moments. This is a moment we need to make tough decisions.” The governor acknowledged the difficulty that would face residents with the new statewide order to remain at home, but insisted that such lengths were required to keep the coronavirus spread in check. “We are looking at a delta, a gap, that requires about 10,000 beds, and 10,000 members of the community to staff those beds,” explained Newsom. “And that’s what we’re currently up against.” Newsom stressed that widespread behavioral change from Californians is what will truly “bend the curve” of COVID-19 spread. “There’s a social contract here. People will self-regulate their behavior,” Newsom said during the address announcing the new order. Newsom noted that the Bay Area had already been under such an order for several days with much of the population abiding by the new restrictions. “I’m being very straight with you,” Newsom said. “These are numbers I can assure you governors, mayors, administration across the country are working with.” Newsom also alluded to the difficulty he had telling his own family how drastic the action the state would be taking in the face of the looming coronavirus threat. “But I think i’’s time to tell you what I tell my family. What I tell my wife, just as I did two nights ago when I told my daughter when I don’t believe that this school year she’ll get back into that classroom,” Newsom said. Earlier Thursday, Newsom offered a sobering prediction on the surge of coronavirus cases coming to the state, projecting that more than half of the state’s residents will become infected over an eight-week period. Newsom issued the stark assessment in a letter to President Donald Trump, requesting the immediate deployment of the USNS Mercy hospital ship to the Port of Los Angeles through the beginning of September. “We project that roughly 56 percent of our population–25.5 million people–will be infected with the virus over an eight week period,” said Newsom in the letter. Newsom said in the letter that California has had 126 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours – including 44 news community acquired transmission – a total increase of 21 percent. With the case rate doubling every four days in parts of the state, Newsom projected some 25.5 million Californians would eventually contract the virus. A spokesman for the governor later on Thursday clarified, saying the 25.5 million cases represented a worst-case scenario without mitigation efforts such as business closures and shelter-in-place orders.
  14. Southeasterly to southerly flow will develop on Monday between strong high pressure over the Canadian Maritimes and strengthening low pressure just off the Mid Atlantic coast. This will help to channel deeper moisture back in across Western and North Central NY. At the same time, an upper level trough and weak surface reflection approaching from the west will act upon this available moisture bringing the next round of precipitation to the area. Guidance has trended a bit cooler, thus there`s a better chance for at least some accumulating wet snow across portions of the area. This will be especially true during the first half of Monday, before marginal surface temperatures and latter March diurnal effects come into play. Any leftover rain and wet snow showers will taper off during the first half of Monday night as high pressure builds east across the region, bringing a return to dry weather for Tuesday. Temperatures Monday will be a bit below average, with seasonable temperatures for Tuesday.
  15. Sean Payton the first NFL affiliate tested positive for the coronavirus.. Read a couple articles that claim the government could start handing out checks to most American adults in the next couple weeks as many of us try to stay afloat.. Link
  16. European looks decent with a quick burst of snow..
  17. Go get some chicken bro lol You can go to maines food and party warehouse in Greece and get bulk 40Lb boxes, they have chicken every morning, they will even let u know when a truck is coming in.. Plenty of chicken out there if you go early..
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