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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Throwing in a little bit of sports, I would love to have some right about now to take my mind off this crap.. How does the Tampa Bay Yankees sound? How about St. Pete Yankees? Or Miami Yankees? No, the Yankees aren’t changing their name, but they could be playing home games in Florida this season if Major League Baseball determines Yankee Stadium is unsafe for crowds when the coronavirus-halted 2020 season gets underway in the next few weeks or months. According to MLB Network insider Jon Heyman, possible alternative options for Yankees home games this season include: -- Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, home to the Yankees in spring training. -- Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg Fla., the non-retractable domed home to the Tampa Bay Rays since their first season in 1998. -- Marlins Park in Miami, the retractable domed home of the Miami Marlins since 2012. Everything on table,” Heyman tweeted. The options include the Yankees playing early-season home games in Florida, then returning to Yankee Stadium if and when all parties are comfortable opening the doors to fans. Because New York City is a hot spot for the coronavirus, the Mets playing home games in Florida – or somewhere else – is a possibility, as well. The same goes for the San Francisco Giants, Oakland Athletics, Los Angeles Dodgers, LA Angels and San Diego Padres because California also is among the most-affected states. If the Yankees move games to Florida, they’d probably get decent crowds because they always have a big following for their 8-to-10 annual road games against the Rays. The Yanks also had a big fanbase in Miami when they played the Marlins in a 2017 interleague series
  2. Yeah good point . This was my buddy last then a week ago down in Pensacola..
  3. Thanks. I read an article a few days back that mentioned it wasn't necessarily the virus that was killing people, it was their body going into overdrive trying to fight the infection which in turn causes severe inflammation, seems to be what happened to this patient..
  4. Some of the biggest increases in the us are down south like Florida and Georgia... Some northerners could be fleeing south by car..
  5. By state, these numbers may not be totally up to date...
  6. Sounds about right haha Always got some GFS fantasy to get us through this..lol
  7. Euro no longer had a snow event on the 1st..Gfs fantasy range is still giving snow heading into the middle of April lol
  8. Onondaga County seems to be testing everyone lol Over 2200 test given and just 111 positives so far...You would think it would be a higher number of positives if they were only testing the sickest people...
  9. The Department of Justice affirmed Wednesday that people who intentionally spread the novel coronavirus could be charged with terrorism. Officials across the states are taking threats of spreading coronavirus seriously. Earlier this week, a New Jersey man who police said purposely coughed on a grocery store employee and said he had coronavirus was charged with making "terroristic threats." It was not clear whether the man had a lawyer, the state's attorney general said. And in Missouri, a 26-year-old man was charged this week with making a terrorist threat after he was filmed in early March licking sticks of deodorant at a Walmart, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. In a video, the man asks, "Who's scared of coronavirus?" the newspaper reported. That man's attorney called the action "immature ... tasteless and impulsive" but said it happened before the World Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic, the Post-Dispatch reported. That declaration "should not work retroactively and convert a tasteless and impulsive act into a criminal terrorist threat," the lawyer told the paper. According to a Justice Department memo, the virus meets the criteria for a "biological agent," and threatening to spread it or "use Covid-19 as a weapon against Americans" could constitute a terrorist threat
  10. (CNN)A woman purposely coughed on $35,000 worth of food at a Pennsylvania grocery store, police said. She likely faces criminal charges for coughing, one of the primary ways the novel coronavirus spreads. The unnamed woman entered small grocery chain Gerrity's Supermarket in Hanover Township and started coughing on produce, bakery items, meat and other merchandise, chain co-owner Joe Fasula wrote on Facebook. Staff quickly removed her from the store and called Hanover Township Police, who found her a few hours later and took her into custody, Police Chief Albert Walker told CNN.
  11. OSWEGO - The number of COVID-19 cases in Oswego County doubled, from four to eight, over the last 24 hours, according to county officials, who are urging residents to avoid public places and groups of people as much as possible. Oswego County announced a fourth confirmed COVID-19 case Wednesday evening, and less than 24 hours later announced eight tests had come back positive. Statewide more than 37,250 cases of the novel coronavirus have been confirmed, with the number of deaths topping 380 in the state and 1,000 across the country.
  12. My anxiety symptoms are through the roof. Makes hard to differentiate between real and"fake"..
  13. As the novel coronavirus sweeps across the world, some countries are finding themselves in a difficult situation. Low on supplies or money, traditional American allies like Spain, Italy, France and Japan have had to turn to China for help. "China creates the poison and sells the solution to it," foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang told Fox News. China has used its money, medical equipment and teams of doctors and nurses in a high-stakes campaign to show the world that while the United States scrambles to contain the novel coronavirus within its borders, China is busy moving in on some of America's closest allies. "Never let a good crisis go to waste," Dimitar Bechev, a senior fellow in the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center, wrote. "There is no better illustration that the medical supplies and crews of doctors China has been supplying to Italy and other European countries battling COVID-19. Beijing does carry a large share of the blame for the global pandemic... but now it seeks to shape the narrative of the crisis unfolding before our eyes." China has also been floating the idea that it has donated all of the medical supplies out of concern for the world. That's not the case, Chang said. "A lot of the stuff that China claims has been donated has not been donated," he said. "It's been sold." While China has come through for several countries but, in some, it has fallen short of expectations. In Spain, for example, Health Minister Salvador Illa announced Wednesday that the country had bought $467 million in medical supplies from China, including 950 ventilators, 5.5 million testing kits, 11 million gloves and more than half a billion protective face masks. Soon after receiving the supplies, the Spanish government announced plans to return 9,000 "quick result" test kits to China, El Pais reported, because they were deemed substandard, specifically the sensibility of the test was around 30 percent, when it should be higher than 80 percent. China admitted that the kits they sold to Spain were bought from Bioeasy, a Chinese company not licensed to make them. The time and money Spain wasted on faulty supplies could have devastating effects on a country that is now in its second week of a national lockdown after cases of COVID-19 spiked. https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-money-coronavirus-spain-467-million-faulty-supplies
  14. I agree 100% I haven't got my mail in a week lol I had ups here 2 days ago and the package is still under my car port .I'm gonna wear gloves to retrieve the mail, not touch my face and then wash my hands.. Even the mail here goes through quarantine lol
  15. CLAY, N.Y. -- A United States Postal Service employee who works at the Taft Road post office and processing center has tested positive for the coronavirus, the agency said Wednesday. The USPS did not provide any other information about the employee, including what route the employee may have worked or whether the employee worked in the office. In a memo obtained by Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard, the postal service told workers that “the risk is low” for employees working in the facility. The memo said federal law prohibited them from releasing the name of the employee or medical information about the person. Onondaga County has reported 81 positive cases of COVID-19 so far, including one death. As of 3 p.m. on Wednesday, 248 people were in mandatory isolation. The county currently has results for roughly 1,550 tests of the nearly 2,400 tests taken countywide. Experts told USA Today it’s unlikely that the coronavirus could spread via the mail because of the virus’ livability on paper and cardboard.
  16. CNN Business)Amazon warehouses are facing a growing tide of coronavirus cases with at least 11 facilities hit so far, according to Amazon and local media reports. One person who works in Amazon's Staten Island, New York, fulfillment center tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the online retail giant told CNN Business late Tuesday. The person, who was last at work physically on March 11, is in quarantine and recovering, Amazon said. That case marks the second to affect Amazon warehouses in New York. It comes a week after the first reported case at any US Amazon facility, in Queens, NY. The company also confirmed a case at a facility in Joliet, Ill. and at an Edison, NJ facility Wednesday. Other positive cases have been reported at Amazon facilities in Moreno Valley, Calif.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Shepherdsville, Ky.; Brownstown, Mich.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; Katy, Texas; and Wallingford, Conn.
  17. People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest). Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
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