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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. Coronavirus 'harms the brain and nervous system of HALF of severely ill patients and a third of all cases' - causing symptoms such as stumbling, slurred speech and seizures Coronavirus harms the brain and nervous system of half of severely ill patients, a study on patients with COVID-19 in the Chinese city of Wuhan has found. Such impacts — which appear in a third of patients overall — lead to symptoms including headaches, stumbling, slurred speech, nerve pain and seizures. The study — the first to characterise the brain problems associated with coronavirus infection — suggest that these symptoms could indicate patients at a higher risk. In the study, neurologist Bo Hu of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and colleagues analysed 214 patients with COVID-19 from Wuhan, China, the city where the outbreak emerged, between mid-January and mid-February. The patients were all treated in one of three dedicated special care centres in the university's Union Hospital. The experts sorted neurological symptoms into one of three categories, the first of which was central nervous system manifestations — including dizziness, headache, impaired consciousness, acute cerebrovascular disease, ataxia and seizure. The other categories were peripheral nervous system manifestations (taste impairment, smell impairment, vision impairment and nerve pain) and skeletal muscular injury manifestations. Overall, 78 patients (36.4 per cent) had neurologic manifestations,' the researchers wrote in their paper. 'Compared with patients with non-severe infection, patients with severe infection were older, had more underlying disorders, especially hypertension, and showed fewer typical symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever and cough,' they added. 'Patients with more severe infection had neurologic manifestations, such as acute cerebrovascular diseases (5 vs 1), impaired consciousness (13 vs 3) and skeletal muscle injury (17 vs 6).' During the epidemic period of COVID-19, when seeing patients with neurologic manifestations, clinicians should suspect severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection as a differential diagnosis,' the researchers said. This, they added, will avoid delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis and losing the chance to treat [the patients] and prevent further transmission.'
  2. Unemployment benefits traditionally require a worker to be laid off to collect benefits, and so many people are not yet aware that the relief bill allows a person to quit and still collect as long as they “self-certify” that they had to quit because of the coronavirus situation
  3. The average state already gives out $463 per week in unemployment benefits. When combined with the new $600 per week, that works out to $1,063 per week – the equivalent of more than $26 an hour, or $55,000 a year. That angers some essential workers on the front lines on the crisis. “I can tell you as a worker who barely makes over minimum wage, at $12 an hour, the whole thing is complete BS,” Otis Mitchell Jr., who works in West Virginia transporting hospital patients to get medical tests, told Fox News. Mitchell Jr. added that he has unemployed friends who already are getting the extra $600, and that “I prefer to work, but sadly I’d make more staying home.” “I work in a hospital of all places and we aren’t being compensated anything [extra],” he added. He said he also knows people at his workplace “who are just wanting to get laid off, completely because they’d get more money being at home.”
  4. Some lawmakers think the extra$ should go even longer lol The generous payments are temporary, however. They are scheduled to last for four months, ending July 31. But politicians already are considering extending that end date in a follow-up relief bill. This weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter to colleagues saying: "CARES 2 must go further... extending and strengthening unemployment benefits."
  5. Models still trotting out some lake effect, not likely but not impossible.. Wouldn't amount to much anyway lol
  6. Well in 4 months 1.5+ million entities will be walking through the NY State Fair grounds plus employees, vendors etc ...Talk about a breeding ground lol
  7. Supposedly when the infection rate is Lower then a 1 it just gradually disappears, but I do wonder the same thing lol
  8. Must be nice living in Maine these days..If you love winter weather that is lol
  9. Coronavirus leaves at least 10% of the American workforce unemployed in three weeks: 6.6 million file new claims in a week bringing the total out of work to 16 million Up to 50 million jobs are vulnerable to coronavirus-related layoffs, economists say - about one-third of all the jobs in the United States. That figure is based on a calculation of positions that are deemed non-essential by state and federal governments and that cannot be done from home. It's unlikely all those workers will be laid off or file a jobless claim but it suggests the extraordinary magnitude of unemployment that could result from the pandemic.
  10. OSWEGO, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — With 36 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county, Oswego County Legislature Chairman Jim Weatherup asked residents on Wednesday to follow a voluntary shelter-in-place order, similar to Onondaga County. Weatherup asked the residents of Oswego County to do their essential travel on an every-other-day basis. The rules for Oswego County’s voluntary shelter in place are as follows: Residents born during an odd year – Only travel on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Residents born during an even year – Only travel on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays Sundays – Weatherup asks everyone to stay home The Chairman admitted he did not have any jurisdiction to enforce the recommended travel restrictions, but he said, “In the interest of public health and safety, we can police it and keep track of those who ignore it.” As of Wednesday, Oswego County has reported 36 cases of COVID-19, with 18 of those individuals recovering from the virus. Two people in Oswego County have also died from COVID-19. Chairman Weatherup also sent a warning ahead of Easter Sunday, urging his residents to celebrate Easter only within the confines of their own home. For the latest news related to COVID-19 in Oswego County, click here. The health department’s COVID-19 hotline number is 315-349-3330.
  11. Forecast is for 1"-2" imby, more as you head east and up in altitude..
  12. In sporting news, MLB is trying to get going in MAY, most likely in Phoenix Arizona with no fans..Players will be "isolated" in their hotel rooms, they will only be able to go to the ballpark and back... UFC commissioner Dana white has secured a private island in order to get UFC back up and running lol
  13. Initial Data From China In March, doctors from China published two studies that gave the first glimpse at how prevalent cardiac problems were among patients with COVID-19 illness. The larger of the two studies looked at 416 hospitalized patients. The researchers found that 19% showed signs of heart damage. And those who did were significantly more likely to die: 51% of those with heart damage died versus 4.5% who did not have it. Patients who had heart disease before their coronavirus infections were much more likely to show heart damage afterward. But some patients with no previous heart disease also showed signs of cardiac damage. In fact, patients with no preexisting heart conditions who incurred heart damage during their infection were more likely to die than patients with previous heart disease but no COVID-19-induced cardiac damage. It’s unclear why some patients experience more cardiac effects than others. Bonow said that could be due to a genetic predisposition or it could be because they’re exposed to higher viral loads. Those uncertainties underscore the need for closer monitoring of cardiac markers in COVID-19 patients, Jorde said. If doctors in New York, Washington state and other hot spots can start to tease out how the virus is affecting the heart, they may be able to provide a risk score or other guidance to help clinicians manage COVID-19 patients in other parts of the country. “We have to assume, maybe, that the virus affects the heart directly,” Jorde said. “But it’s essential to find out.”
  14. Toggle navigation COVID-19 Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients By Markian Hawryluk APRIL 6, 2020 REPUBLISH THIS STORY DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL (KHN Illustration; Getty Images) While the focus of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on respiratory problems and securing enough ventilators, doctors on the front lines are grappling with a new medical mystery. In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19 patients are also developing heart problems — and dying of cardiac arrest. As more data comes in from China and Italy, as well as Washington state and New York, more cardiac experts are coming to believe the COVID-19 virus can infect the heart muscle. An initial study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even among those who show no signs of respiratory distress. That could change the way doctors and hospitals need to think about patients, particularly in the early stages of illness. It also could open up a second front in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, with a need for new precautions in people with preexisting heart problems, new demands for equipment and, ultimately, new treatment plans for damaged hearts among those who survive.
  15. The moist cyclonic flow grows even colder Thursday night into Friday. This will allow for a further deepening of the mixed layer contributing to a stronger wind gust component, perhaps seeing gusts to near 45 mph at times. Boundary layer temperatures eventually become cold enough to support a change over to snow, especially across higher terrain by mid to late evening. This change over is also quite possible at lower elevations after midnight. 850 mb temperatures get down to about -7C, so we will certainly need to watch out some enhancement east of the lakes. This more wintry precipitation will continue into Friday morning before diurnal influences start to bring more rain into the picture by afternoon, before the precipitation starts a downward trend Friday night. There will likely be at least some snowfall accumulations across the higher terrain Thursday night into Friday morning. Depending on the exact window of best accumulating snow (night vs day), will determine just how much snow will be able to accumulate.
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