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Everything posted by mattinpa

  1. Sixers are a good team but need an extra push. Hopefully Morey is aggressive enough. They need a shot creator to help Embiid out and a better bench. The Flyers can’t even beat Boston at full strength much less with half the team out.
  2. I agree. Map looks a little conservative. 1-2” would be a nice refresher with hopefully one more significant event before spring arrives.
  3. Moderate to heavy snow here. Seems I might be in a good area for this one.
  4. Hi Iceman - getting nowcast time, but how was the Euro?
  5. He tags just about everything but I just ignore it. Lol
  6. I’ll take that. Nice little snow storm without the sleet/ice problem.
  7. Thought it looked about the same as last night. Overrunning then the coastal is weak.
  8. We’ve even had the models change around 24 hours from storm time. So yes let’s let things play out.
  9. GFS is still a long duration event, so even if the snow is on the light-moderate side, it should add up. Especially if it trends colder.
  10. Was there some freezing rain in there? Snow map only has a few inches for Philly but 6-8 in central and northern Montco. A foot for Berks County.
  11. I am glad it is trending towards more snow and less ice. You also never know if this will be the last major threat for the winter, so I would enjoy it. How much more north do you think it could come? Would that introduce more mixing?
  12. Looks like I am in the warned area. Fortunately my travel day was today and not tomorrow or last night. Will keep up with the latest info.
  13. So should travel be ok tomorrow late morning/early afternoon? It seems like the timing is better now for when I go out.
  14. Tuesday could still be icy in parts but I am thinking more Lehigh Valley and Berks County. Am still thinking Friday could be a threat as models have to get two other storms out of the way.
  15. The warning should definitely get out there. Glad I am prepared from this forum.
  16. Well the winter event weenie in me thinks ice would be more exciting than rain, but my head says ice is bad. So I am conflicted, lol.
  17. True, they still are all over the place. 12z GFS looks icy. NYC forum says UKMet has sleet?
  18. It’s only Feb 12. I don’t think our snow threats are over. Hopefully the Tuesday threat got as far north as it is getting and goes south now.
  19. Hi Ralph. I heard nothing about the Euro last night. Was it icy? The 6z GFS looked icy.
  20. Maybe for some, but probably not for all areas and maybe not for the duration in areas that get ice.
  21. The Saturday into Sunday storm is the only one I DON’T want to happen, as I have to go to the store to pick up something important Sunday.
  22. Do you think 3-5 inches is a good expectation?
  23. Some storms have trended north and some south this winter. So we’ll see. I am not a fan of ice like I am snow, so hope the ICON is right.
  24. I might have actually underestimated. 5” looks about right, and it has still been snowing yet more lightly. Nice storm!
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