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Posts posted by mattinpa

  1. 3 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Yeah you're right about that. The GFS/GEFS does have a progressive bias which matters significantly when the goalposts are so narrow.

    Big Euro run coming. It just needs to hold.

    The Euro going east tonight would be concerning, but I think tomorrow’s runs are more telling.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, The Iceman said:

    Regarding the weekend threat, I think it’s foolish to be confident either way on the effects to the area. Probably won’t get a decent read on it until 00z Thursday. Right now leaning towards a miss SE just based on the seasonal trends but it’s close to being amplified enough to get good snows here. Fact is the models have struggled with the N stream all winter long and until those pieces are on land and properly sampled, I don’t think anyone can say definitely this is a miss or apps runner. A few minor changes to the N stream changes the outcome significantly. Will be a good tracker though but I don’t think anyone should become emotionally invested until we get much closer. Would be nice to get this one though after all of the misses this month including in one of our more favorable regimes. 

    I think everything is on the table, but it’s looking more like we get something. Should be fun to follow. The 12z Canadian was actually a bit west for comfort for some. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Wxoutlooksblog said:

    I do not agree with this. It is one run cycle during which every model is somewhat flatter/further south and east and the ECMWF is only very slightly further south and east & importantly to note, slower. That slowness continues the threat into Sunday with some question marks. One is timing. There are numerous impulses of energy s/w's into the southern stream which could develop. Which one is it going to be or will it be consolidated into one? The European IMO keeps this threat in play maybe another 12 hours later.  The Euro is not bad. It holds serve.


    Thanks for this analysis. It sounds like the Euro was good enough to still keep a close eye on the threat.

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  4. 1 minute ago, MJO812 said:

    It's way better than we we have gotten 

    Above 2.5 inches would be my biggest of the winter. Can you explain what is making the storm hook back west? Is it lack of a blocking high? Thanks MJO.

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Birds~69 said:

    Yeah, I seen it but he did mentioned there's uncertainty for Monday but was more excited for snow on Fri

    Meanwhile Ch6 has zilch for Mon and 37F and rain for Friday next week...maybe some snow/mix.

    Yeah the local weathers tend to do that. If we keep seeing the trend though a few inches in the northern suburbs are possible. 


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