I don’t like it because of the heat, humidity, severe storms, etc. But everyone is different. At least we’ll have baseball.
I’ll just enjoy the 2-4 inches coming down hard for a while tomorrow, if I even get that much.
Still looks like a chance of snow mid month, but if not, spring can start as long as we don’t go into severe season early. Last summer in our region felt like we were in the Midwest.
A window in mid and possibly late March. Maybe we’ll get a rogue big storm in an otherwise mild month like the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicted. Those publications are never reliable, but it does seem like it might be that kind of month. If not, I’m ready for spring and hoping for a better winter for my location next winter. NYC wasn’t too bad.
Soon after I posted that, the power went off. Using cell service. It happens every time there’s anything even little around here - outage. Peco, get your act together!