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Everything posted by Modfan

  1. Similar but different! I'm in Delray Beach and it's 92F with a nice sea breeze; probably no breeze up there.
  2. Do we see seabreeze interaction as that line heads SE in Mass?
  3. Water temp here off West Palm just got to 82 after being stuck in the 70's for a long period; and that with the gulf stream 6 miles off shore. 82-83 is normal for this time of year
  4. Hail with the storm over Thompson Speedway
  5. Nice storm just NW of Worcester; any rotation with it?
  6. Nice view of storm about to enter CT from the infield at Thompson Speedway
  7. Nice cell near Auburn and the Ma Pike, wonder if it's warned before it hits CT?
  8. Cool cloud structure here in the Daytona/Ormond Beach area on A1A; not a shelf cloud no storms nearby.
  9. Hope so, I am sure 75 will better than 92 and humidity!
  10. How is next week looking? Co worker and is family are going to New England for the first time (Staying on the Cape) and will be traveling around SE Ma and RI
  11. Has to be some 15" amount near Ginxy into N RI
  12. A lot of convection down in the FL Pan Handle, GA, and SC with tornadoes; is that all being pulled northward into this?
  13. Do your neighbors dump all their snow in your yard? Might be the biggest snow banks from a 3" snow storm I have seen!
  14. Looking for recommendations fot taking my 8yrold skiing the for thr first time in Feb when we come up for a family visit. I was thinking Ward Hill because we will be staying in NE CT; I was thinking WAWA would be to crowded; not opposed to western MA areas
  15. I agree....I would however split that and say a mid GA coast to SC line as a possible LF. The early. UKie runs had this to the N FL area which peaked my interst seeing how well it performed with Irma. We'll see how that works the next 2 days.
  16. I was thinking that this could very likely go to GA/SC border; will have to see what today and tomorrow brings.
  17. Wouldn't get locked onto one model just yet; during Irma GFS and Euro had two different out comes; both ended up off with their tracks and Ukie end up nailing the track.
  18. Last I saw was 12" in West Woodstock CT at noon, have to be approaching 14 with that band rotting over head
  19. I'm following from Okeechobee County in FL, last I heard I. Woodstock was 5" about 2hrs ago, got to be close to 8 now.
  20. I was Will;that March date sounds about right. I was just astounded as to the amount of snow that fell in such a short period. That event caught a lot of people off guard.
  21. Not sure the date, but 2-3 years ago we had a storm that was either late Feb or early March, I had a medical call for my FD at about 1-2am and we had about 5-7 inches on the ground when I got home. Betwee that time and 6-7am we must have got another 10-15 inches of snow. I Remember opening the front door and was amazed at the size of the drift at my door. One of the guys on my FD plows for the town and said it was snowing a 3-4" an hr rate during that period and they had to get off the road it was so bad. Does anyone remember which storm that was?
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