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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Forecast was 43 today, got to 41right now its 39 (according to my backyard weather station). Tulsa says the temps will be warmer for here though tonight(38) and tomorrow than previously thought so no concerns. I dont think theres anything to worry about here but you guys up north in missouri may have to watch trends
  2. Another storm wasted for here probly, the usual. I will say temps are a wee bit colder than forecasted though. Heck at this point I wouldn't even mind seeing ice lol, even though I don't really like ice storms.
  3. I noticed that, Im not shocked at all are you lol? I just went for a small hike, enjoyed the sleet and flurries while it lasted haha. The roads were solid ice on the way down then the sleet and snow stopped, looked like the sun was trying to peek out for a minute there and bam everything is just wet roads now. Gonna be terrible come dark though, refreeze and black ice
  4. Same here, back over to crappy sleet again lol. Its neat to see but could have been so much more again . Can you imagine how much snow that would have been if it was all snow
  5. This, every single long range forecast i watched or read everyone was saying an epic winter. I think I been so disappointed the last 6-7 years now I have gotten use to it lol. It is sleeting pretty heavy here now though, down to 28. Sleet and snow mix now, just changed over!!
  6. Yep got cold here too(down to 30), Tulsa still sounds confused by their forecast disco. Whenever thick low clouds move over and the wind picks up I can see misty snow falling lol. Still in an advisory until 3 for up to an inch, eh idk at this point. If it happens it happens I guess, the typical 1 inch stuff at best. I just hope one of these giant storms sets up right and gives the smack down yet on us all.
  7. Yep same ole same ole, just saying less than a half inch possible lol. Whatever anymore at this point, just too far south and in a snow drought place. Whats the GFS saying for us? Im lost in model posts now haha
  8. Man dont know about snow tomorrow(theres an advisory up lol) but we have a storm sitting over us right now that is pretty bad!!! The winds are terrible, constant thunder and lightning and torrential rain. Can only imagine how much snow or ice this would be had it been cold enough jeeesh, whole yard is flooded. Just read Tulsas latest update, sounds like the accumulating snow stays in the far nw corner of arkansas tomorrow. Meh shocker, but they dont sound confident and stated it depends on where that deformation snow sets up.
  9. Move it down a bit my way plz lol. Heck move the whole thing down south and east a wee bit.
  10. Flood watches and Tornado watches flying here, 63 degrees! Totally insane and unreal for January, never ceases to amaze me!!! Probly at best 1" tomorrow if(and thats a big if) things setup properly. I'd love to see just one storm nail us with 3-5" at this point haha, its been way too stinking long.
  11. LOL at the typical 1" mention for NW Arkansas, this one sounds like its a nightmare for the mets to forecast so I guess we wait to see what happens? Are things locked in now? I know its onshore and has been sampled right? Forecast is confusing to say the least
  12. Would not shock me the least, is why I am glad my brain cant wrap around the models or I would be in for constant disappointment lol. One of these times we will get something, maybe. Will probly be like any other storm, turns cold after it leaves and heads by with flurries at best haha
  13. Lol, its bad when us NW Ar. folks are getting loopy over a possible 0.3-2" snow storm lmao. Imagine if a possible 10" + storm were to hit this place haha. It would shut everything down for weeks, well maybe not as it would probly be melted off in 4 hours of so in the 60's haha. Sorry Im being sarcastic I know, just realistic anymore. Man Im so glad for my childhood in the 80's of 12" of snow a week lol
  14. Will believe it when I see it attitude at this point, we all been burnt pretty bad over the years. Bad thing is these balmy ick temps, everything is so darn warm during the daytime.
  15. Who knows how things will pan out but I do know one thing, I love this forum and being a member on it and getting to interact with you all. Heck I feel some of you guys on here who aren't even pro mets do a better job at explaining and forecasting stuff then others do(don't take that the wrong way but its just my opinion). Then there is the problem with social media galore and things being over hyped or what seems like fake wishcasting lol. Don't know but I do appreciate what you guys do on here
  16. I agree with a blend of what others on here have said as well as your statement there, global warmth and the problem of us not having favorable patterns or overly warm temps. Its just a blend of everything in my opinion. Of course this probably will pass as StormChazer stated and we will just look back on it all. It is frustrating to say the least though, also on a side note our friends in KC said it was 70 degrees there on Christmas day as well!!! I think I was reading that was the warmest xmas on record for kc...unreal and crazy!!
  17. Bleh, seems like we are heading down the wrong path again this winter lol....wash and repeat yet again. I know I know it's early still but these overly warm holiday temps just make me nervous as its the same ole same ole as the last 5 years or so.
  18. Dude thats so crazy, same here. My buddy came over last night for a few beers and we were sitting out front, smelled grills hahaha. I cannot believe how warm it is, my mom said its fairly warm even in Jersey. 49 there today and thats extremely warm for that area on xmas day too. Insane, but yea man enjoy the day with some shorts and t shirts lol. Merry Christmas
  19. Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I am so happy to have been part of this community for so long now!!
  20. ya I know right, really insane supposed to be 67 xmas haha. Just stinky dumb warm for my liking, like I said before Im sure my windows are gonna be opened up lol
  21. Jeez I knew it was bad but nothing that bad StormChazer, granted Im in fayetteville and probly not even at 8.8" over the last 5 years lol. Such sad pathetic snow times, I am already losing hope for this season again too. Lets all enjoy our warm boring christmas day coming up, hey I will probly get to wear shorts at least and even open windows for fresh air so that's a plus haha
  22. Will gladly take it, enjoy. Its flurrying out here, gotta enjoy this before the crazy balmy temps hit this upcoming weekend.
  23. Been popped into a WWA until 6 lol, temps have actually risen here to 34 so no clue. Tulsa saying it might have to be extended into the overnight hours and could see some flurries or freezing drizzle. Supposed to get really cold tonight so I would expect it to be extended if its going to get as cold as predicted(23) with drizzle
  24. Crazy, 33 here been thundering and lightning bad all night. Couple times I got woken up from sleet pinging the windows. Not sure whats gonna today as the forecast is a nonstop changing mess as always lol
  25. What I was saying earlier, tulsa was talking about frozen stuff possibly. Who the hell knows lol, the non stop changes keep rolling...we have some odd weather out here that never ceases to amaze me. Looks to get very balmy by end week blah, probly have another xmas here at 60 degrees haha
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