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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Shoot Im not falling for this trickery again, nope. Have been holding out for the big one to hit still Lol!!!
  2. Eh I dont even know what to say lol, better luck next time to us 3 huh haha.
  3. Well snowed decently for about 40 minutes, my worry with this storm all along was warm ground temps. Even at 30 degrees it just barely stuck to the grass, was neat to see though and we got a coating lol...something is better than nothing. MoWeatherGuy, TheWaterboy did you 2 get anything up there?
  4. Man dont remind me how long its been haha, J/K. I guess we are the 3 left to be unlucky ones? Its been flurrying here off and on again man lol, also a lot of returns(seems to be holding together still) coming from the SW that may give us something here in a bit!! Air should be juicy enough still too.
  5. Is so very true, or not being able to look out a window and see what its doing outside LOL! It snowed for about 2 minutes here, Im not kidding either haha. I lost count of the busts here now this winter, at least for the fayetteville area
  6. This, we both lived in similar areas. I feel Tulsa is about as bad as I ever seen. When I lived in Jersey Mount Holly was terrible too lol. Not to bash, I know how hard this stuff has to be but sometimes(like your warning lmao) its just common sense not to do some things lol. On a side note, temp is falling rapidly now...down to that magic number 33 here in the back yard. And I see giant sized flakes coming down!! Anything up there man?
  7. Stop, its not your fault lol. It just is what it is here anymore in these places.
  8. Shoot I never believed it from the getgo Lol! Its so depressing, I always seem grouchy and I do apologize to everyone if I come off that way. Just so boring of winters that brings me down sometimes or these missed events or over hyped things.
  9. You guys are under a warning too for what 3-5" or 4-6"?. Sorry I'm mixed up now with all the social media hype junk and all the forecast changes lol
  10. Crazy, my backyard weather station has been going up and down in temps all day(between 37-34 degrees). Sitting at 35 still. I think this may be another non event for fayetteville here once again, maybe later we can squeeze a few flurries out Lol!! It is pouring down rain(occasional sleet mixed in) though, what a shame and what a waste.
  11. Dude that is awesome!!! Sounds like your snow drought may be over! congrats woo hoo
  12. 35 and rain here, was 34-35 all night too. I heard a few sleet pellets mixing in here and there Pretty crazy with that snow line, what 30 miles north of me lol. I'm not even surprised haha Seems a lot of people are disappointed again with yet another pooper storm.
  13. Wording has changed a bit for here now on the regular 7 day, seems to sound like its going to be a cold rain event over to a wee bit of sleet and snow on the back end(half inch at best). Really curious as to what happens for all of you in a winter storm warning, hopefully breaks the snow drought for a lot. I will say, the temps are about 2 degrees lower right now here than what the low was progged at tonight. 34 currently
  14. Meh watch changed to a stinky advisory again, jeez when is this place going to catch a stinkin break LOL!!! Oh look a half inch of snow predicted now too(the usual). Next it will be saying 33 and rain, yes these things put me in a crappy mood. I just want to see one good snow haha
  15. No not yet shhhh lol, I wanna see it drop SE more. We are so borderline of something big or nothing at all (will probly be the nothing at all for here haha).
  16. Would love to see this thing trend SE some for here, so so borderline right now.
  17. Hmmmm winter storm watch issued for here now too, so lets see if this goes from a watch to an advisory. I am still worried about the temps, though It is colder than progged today I think? Getting confusing now with so many changes regarding this storm. Sitting at 40 here but its slowly been falling!! I feel this has the potential to pile more sleet and zr than anything else. So those of you who are in a warning, how long has it been since you have seen one lol? I know some of us have not seen a WSW for a very very long time now.
  18. That and even if we hit below freezing the ground is so stinking warm, I just dont know.
  19. Me too man, this place is just crap for snow lol!!! Last time it snowed decently was when we moved here in 2013..you wanna talk about a donut hole over this place!!! Its just unreal. Hell its like we went from fall and got teased in October right back to spring, warmest most boring winter ever
  20. I don't think we will ever catch a break here man lol, u rdy to move back to your old stomping grounds yet haha? I know I am, I miss small town living
  21. Meh will probably be another non event here I'm sure. Ground is extremely too warm as well now from these 70's lol. You guys in Missouri look to probably get something though
  22. I don't even know what to say or expect at this point Lol!! I guess the usual, we will see? It is beautiful today, 70 here currently...unreal!
  23. Jeesh this is one pathetic winter haha! Rdy for spring yet guys/ladies? lol Oh wait it felt like we went right from fall straight back to spring already!! JoMo mentioned something about being worried in October when we were so dang cold
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