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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Cold, check? So now we go from a monster storm to flurries eh JoMo? lol....gonna depend on if this thing sits and spins, or just zips along it sounds and if it goes too far north or too far south by what I am reading? And BTW like someone else mentioned earlier, little rock did another forecast discussion...really really interesting and in depth!
  2. LOL let the crazy model madness begin. Im fine with just cold for once on xmas, anything else would be pure filthy luck at this point! Would be totally awesome to see snow on xmas day though! Last time I saw that was in 2009 I believe in MO when it snowed all day xmas and we got 8" then when I was 13(wayyyy back in the day lol) we got a dusting in jersey.
  3. Welcome back everyone!! Nice to see all the familiar people once again, lets hope for some snow now wooohooo!!! Of course it's too far out and not getting my hopes up yet though haha
  4. What is this, sleet and Zr? Like to see that verify and push south some plz ty lol
  5. Would be neat to see something before christmas! Anyone else have their windows open LOL??? No kidding 70 degrees in december is unreal, thought it was warm last year...this is even more crazy haha
  6. Please be cold for xmas and xmas eve!!! Goodness I dont want another xmas and holidays in the upper 40's lol!! On a side note my home state of south jersey is in a winter storm watch!!!! Jeesh they will probly have another year of feet of snow haha. My aunt, who is further away from the coast, said its been snowing there all morning and probly gonna get 5-10" or so in her area, the area I grew up in was close to the bay and ocean so it can be hit or miss in that spot but even that area is supposed to start as rain then over to snow for a day or two...bleh
  7. Yea man like you when we get into december like this and are still forecasted to have upper 50's(again, same ole same ole lol) when forecaster's mentioned cold to come and stick around, I get antsy and worried!! I'm not buying any of the analogs or any of these so called long range forecasts anymore haha. I will just wait this out for the 3rd year and see what happens! I am definitely not holding my breath yet again for sure lol. I do hope the snow gods and mother nature at least throw us a bone around xmas and give us some damn cold at least! That is what bums me out the most, a warm crappy balmy xmas eve and day haha. I know we are further south now but darn cmon already!! For surely can't have another winter/xmas day in the upper 40's right....most likely wrong lol
  8. Nice and cold finally for a change! Its 34 and have some snow flurries here!!!! Is nice to see
  9. Has anyone really done good with long range winter forecasts though over the past few "dud" winters lol? October was fairly cold for around here, heck halloween was brutal! Now its off and on same ole same ole crazy temp swings like its been the past few years. I start getting nervous when we get close to december like this and we are going to be in upper 60's again a few days this week! Of course I know things can change out here though in minutes haha. So lets see what this season holds, last two we had roughly a half inch of snow both of those years lmao.
  10. Yea man its gonna get downright cold for sure, especially for this time of year!!!
  11. Yea JoMo, when I looked at the map it showed snow for south central MO. I never saw snow in October so it would be neat, doubt that will happen but you never know lol.
  12. I see Doug Heady mentioned the S word for next friday and posted a couple maps, his long range FC stating snow/rain as well. Must be some fluke model runs lol, hope you all are doing well!!! Hopefully we get something this season and its not another boring winter with a half inch total again haha.
  13. Heres my feelings on the situation of us all worrying about whats going on with JoMo. I dont know him personally or know his name or anything but for the past 4 years or so as an active member of this forum and the past one that shut down, JoMo is a die hard weather informer. He always posts info. and what not or answers to peoples questions regardless of the situation. This is what has me worried the most. I believe personally he would have found a way to get on here to let everyone know the situation he's in or whats going on. Im really starting to worry about him now and wish there was a way for someone to get his name and see if hes one of the missing. I dont want to speculate, cause hey he just might not have time and is really busy which is understandable. I just find it hard to believe he hasnt came on at all even for a second or so to give us all an update. They have stations setup in Joplin for people to access the internet dont they? I hope Im just worrying for nothing
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