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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. So crazy man usually things do the opposite and it's doing nothing here but up there it is lol. Hopefully we don't get dry slotted!!! It's that type of snow that just compacts down so fast. Haven't seen flakes this large in a very long time though so it's cool to see
  2. Holding at 32.8 here, been snowing fairly heavily for an hour or so now. So heavy of snow it's sticking to everything, wet slushy snow. I'd love to see this temp drop at least another degree
  3. Sitting at 35 here now, decent rain with sleet mixed in. If it matters, our elevation here on this road is around 1200 ft. Snow/rain mix now
  4. Heh not sure what she was seeing then lol. I must be thinking of someone else mentioning cave springs before, my mistake
  5. One of our friends in n Springdale said it was snowing up there, you still in cave springs man? Cloudy here in west Fayetteville, backyard weather station saying 37 degrees
  6. I'm in the same boat as you, I'm worried about the temps. I guess we will see huh
  7. Yes, still in Fayetteville. Im concerned with temps with that storm, prbly be a heavy sloppy wet snow unless we can get colder or wet bulb in some heavier bands etc. I'm craving snow though that's for sure lol.
  8. Hey man I'm good, lots of family things going on so really busy this year. Hope you and the rest of the forum are all well!! Thnx for thinking of me my friend that means a lot. Been mainly just browsing and reading when time permits. Hopefully this boring winter turns around in Feb. soon. Xmas was awesome though with the lil bit of snow and cold so I'm thankful for that. Take care buddy, ty again
  9. Yea man this was an overperformer for sure, I wasn't expecting much to be honest maybe an inch but by time is done Im guessing very close if not 4" in the woods where things are more out of the sun here!!
  10. 25 degrees here with off and on moderate snow, probly about 1.5" here as well now. Very decent for March
  11. Lol everything has been shut down here, 1-2 inches of snow or sleet its done for haha. I'm always like geeez I grew up somewhere where a foot of snow a week was common, but this is the south and they aren't prepared usually for these things lol. We probly got 1.5" of sleet and a glaze of ice from the misty stuff the other night.
  12. Lots of thunder sleet just passed by, thankfully this stuff today again doesn't seem to last as long which I am fine with when it comes to ice. Temps have really come up too, 26 right now with a predicted high of 28 today. Crazy crazy unpredictable weather ya'll, our backroads are just a solid block of sleet and ice from freezing mist all night. So what models, if any lol, handled this storm? While any amount of ice is bad news it didn't seem as bad or long drawn out as mentioned for a week
  13. The heavy stuff ended around 1:30ish here but its been very misty light freezing drizzle since. Temps spiked up but have now dropped back off to 20 degrees. Everything is compacted into solid white ice now
  14. Heavy sleet here too, 18 degrees. Sometimes it wants to go over to snow but nope right back to sleet, hopefully we get all sleet and no freezing rain but who knows. Be safe everyone, roads are a mess here!!!
  15. What did you guys get so far from this whole event?
  16. Man I been watching this all night, everytime I thought it was ready to hit us the cold dry air gobbled it up but then from no where it just started pouring down snow. Like you said, way heavier than last nights. It was short lived but more looks to be coming in shortly again for another hour or so if it holds!!! I can't tell ya how tired I am from lack of sleep lol
  17. Man that 3rd round came out of no where, winds increased and its pouring snow! It looks to be close to 2" more already so far within an hour, still snowing 14 degrees according to my weather stations. Pasty heavy snow, what a storm!
  18. Right around the same here man, we did good. Maybe a few more inches tonight, if so that will be the most I have seen since moving here in 2013. 5" is the sweet spot for me, anything more and it gets tough to walk in when you're in the woods hiking lol.
  19. Man, went to bed at 7am finally and crashed...woke up and looks like probly 6-8" out there now. The snow drifts are insane on the side of the home all the way down it, probly 2.5 feet of drifting no kidding! The dogs tracks are all filled in, hard to say exactly though with the drifts. Still snowing pretty good off and on, I love it! More tonight?!
  20. Looks about the same here, hard to tell with all the drifting. I'd guess we probly got close to an inch of sleet under the snow also. Light snow here as well still. More coming later today into tonight they said, another possible 2-4"
  21. Crazy, it started mixing with snow here around the same time but it's still a heavy mix. West side, mind boggled at this stuff lol
  22. Insane how things can play out here, the terrain is our enemy most times it seems. Hopefully it changes over eventually, Dan Skoff has you guys in 10-14" up there idk we shall see how this pans out overnight.
  23. Way too much sleet so far, seems like a lot of the mets are thinking this stays a sleet/snow mix all night for here now. Roads and sidewalks are a mess, our dog seems to enjoy it though but not easy to walk in the stuff lol. Sitting at 23 degrees
  24. Man the sleet is coming down pretty good here, I can hear it pinging off the windows.
  25. Starting to flurry and sleet mix here now in Fayetteville, western side...sitting at 25 degrees.
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