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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Actually saw a few snow flurries flying earlier!!! How cool that was, not considered a white xmas but sure close enough for me!! Hope you all had a wonderful day!
  2. Cool, its something. Im glad its cold, temps have been dropped back a bit for today and tomorrow here which is nice. The wind is crazy here too today, 32 and just makes it feel nice and xmas'y
  3. Hey JoMo did you get anything up there this morning? I noticed you are in an advisory until 11am? Its been drizzly here all morning off and on right at 33-32 degrees
  4. Bad luck, it usually follows me too lol when it comes to snow. Im actually shocked to have gotten what I did last night. Have hope though man, you should be in a better place for snow now!
  5. Spot your location changed under your name, I thought you were in Oklahoma? I would think central missouri will get more snow than where you were if so!
  6. Sorry you did not get anything spot! Wound up with a lil over half an inch here, just woke up and there is a bit more on the ground and trees than what is in that pic I posted. Must have had another small band come through when I crashed lol. I see NWS mentioning a decent chance for tomorrow am again and maybe another dusting to half inch! All next week has 20-30% pops of sleet and snow in the forecast now hmmmm.
  7. Light snow/sleet mix here. Doesnt look like its gonna last but a half hour more but I will gladly take it. Just slushy wet snow sticking to the grass and elevated surfaces only. Took this pic about 20 minutes ago, still snowing. Loving this!!!! Could have busted out my pro camera but I am tired lol. Also love how easy it is to attach photos to the forum now also!
  8. Neat, glad you guys got something. Not sure if anything will make it here, temps are right at freezing now and been there for a bit but its just cloudy here. Sometimes the clouds break up and I can see stars peeking out. Seems like its doing stuff all around me, not sure whats happening just north of here in springdale or rogers though.
  9. Crazy, first bust coming up of the year lol? Shocked, nope haha. 32 and doing nothing here now, go figure. Tulsa still thinking more moves in later tonight but I dont have high hopes
  10. Shame it was not colder earlier this evening! Man it poured down rain here for a while, not sure we were even supposed to get that much rain!! Still coming down but sitting at 34 here. 33 now and pouring buckets again wow!
  11. We are just in bad areas for snow that's all man :(. Winters just dont seem the same anymore anywhere really. I'm ready to move back north, way further north like KC. I really miss it there, was one of the nicest cheapest cities I have ever lived in or outside of it in the country somewhere.
  12. Sounds like a mixed bag most areas or zr? Pouring the rain here at 35 still lol.
  13. 37 here now, curious to see how fast these temps wetbulb (if they do) now that light rain has started here. Have read about an inch here(if it happens lol), mainly slush on grass. I believe it with all the warm crazy weather we have had recently. Nice to see it chilly for once again though for sure! WWA here now, temps have actually bumped up 2 degrees since the rain started. 1-2" tulsa is saying possible 2-4" in some areas
  14. Down to 39 here now, slowwwwwly falling. Kinda misty outside
  15. Hmmm to believe the models or not lol, Man this is supposed to happen so so early am by what I read. I guess try to get up really early tomorrow who knows. Temps have been falling slowwwwly all night though. Amazing and like I was saying before these models dont seem to be grasping anything correctly until about 12 hours before something. Good luck to all of us predicted to get something!
  16. LOL at these nutty models! Heck they barely seem to handle anything until 12 hours before let alone a few days out lol.
  17. Shocker eh lol, oh well still some time and things will probly change more yet again. I dont even have the words really so will leave it at that and hope for the best lol
  18. Yea man he hasn't been doing too well lol, I liked his forecasting for a while there but idk what to think about this "Heady" pattern of his. I mean yea its interesting and neat but, well yea. So your thinking we get warm now instead on xmas day huh then cold again? These models man, they are nuts and so crazy. This rain tonight we are getting here(you guys getting anything up that way?) I dont even think was forecasted to happen, not for here anyhow until about 12 hours prior. They were thinking it would stay south of little rock, well lol. Or maybe I am already going mad from all the crazy fantasy storms on models and losing track of stuff idk!
  19. Doug Heady seems to think the same, he sounds concerned about this winter again lol too. I think everyone is just meh at this point and we've had such horrible boring winter seasons for the last few years no one seems to have much hope anymore, me included lol. Temps keep getting bumped up more and more for xmas day I been noticing too now. Whatever happens happens I guess, hopefully mother nature says otherwise haha.
  20. I am totally down for this! NWS from tulsa here says 20 percent pops of snow on saturday night and sunday now lol. I will be totally happy with just cold ty, would be awesome to see a wee bit of the white stuff on the ground or actually happening xmas eve or xmas day!!!
  21. How about those 60's this week predicted lol...I am gonna be shocked if anything happens really, maybe another boring warm winter in store meh! Man we just cant get lucky around these parts huh guys :(. Ok I am complaining again haha sorry all
  22. Well I am ok with dry and cold, but we do have a long ways to go still. I think by thursday things should be more ironed out ya think? Would be nice but well, the luck we all have it could be 70 and dry lol.
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