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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Just misty here now, had 1 round of heavier drizzle this afternoon that lasted about 15 minutes lol. Odd stuff, sticking on elevated surfaces only even with it being fairly cold again recently. Looks like the bulk of stuff is just south of here....anyone else ready for spring? Just a boring winter with non stop misses so I'm done, lost all hope now.
  2. Been freezing raining here for a bit now off and on. Never broke past 28 here today, was odd though cause it wasnt freezing on anything at all for a while there now all of a sudden it is. Advisory up til midnight here, be careful out there tonight!
  3. WWA from 3pm till midnight tonight for freezing rain and sleet...lets see if this verifies lol. Todays high says 38 but sitting at 25 currently here.
  4. Meh lol...enjoy again JoMo! I did see a rogue flurry here off and on, same ole same ole though haha
  5. Looks like a good rain event for here, tulsa says maybe over to ZR and then sleet/snow....maybe lol for tuesday night/wed. am time frame
  6. Ditto, I just dont see anything happening or this wonky pattern changing. Another half inch to probly end the season lol. Just non stop warm, cold, chilly dry rinse wash and repeat.
  7. Jeez pathetic, how many years now have we been saying this? lol....My hopes are gone for this winter idk, yea I know feb. and march can bring stuff but I just dont see it happening unless this pattern can change. These storms are just cutting too far south or north this season again, and is why my homestate of south jersey has had a decent winter yet again for what the 3rd or 4th season in a row! When these storms cut far south, they break off then ride up the coast to dump on the east coast it seems forming noreasters....its classic and seems to always hold true ever since I was a youngin for them there. Yea they have had some warm spells too this season but nothing like this place has been lol. Hell I remember eh maybe 3 weeks ago or whatever it was my dad was showing me pics of the bays completely frozen!! Yea its cold when salt water freezes lol, saw the rivers(brackish water) freeze sometimes when I was young but never the back bay areas that feed off the ocean freezing that bad!!! If I can find those pics again on facebook I will snag a few and post them here, it was cool looking!
  8. The models were showing something last week for the 28th of this month werent they? Im not buying these long range things lol, nothing ever seems to happen anyway with the luck we all have! Still sitting at the measly half inch nonsense for the season. Waiting on a miracle now lol
  9. Crazy crazy weather guys!!! 70 degrees today and Tulsa just issued a tornado watch from 3pm til 11pm tonight! Never thought I would be opening windows or see this in January lol, oh my now I hear the ice cream man coming down the road wth haha!!
  10. All good man, its true! Have you seen the upcoming temps, depressing lol.
  11. Oooops you are right, what was I thinking lmao!!! So very very true
  12. Interesting model runs, of course that probly will not pan out like it shows lol. Never know though, anything is possible out here! It will probly wind up turning into nothing and be dug so far south we get nothing again or so far north we get rain haha. That's how everything has been panning out this season it seems.
  13. Is such a true quote there too, it all depends on where you are from and what you grew up around! Me, I grew up on the east coast and then lived in central/northern Missouri most my life so I am use to cold and seeing things stick around for a long time during the winter season. When I lived in south Jersey(grew up there for my first 27 yrs of life) back in the 80's and 90's we would get slammed weekly with giant nor easters that dumped between 8 inches to feet weekly, no kidding. Man if only we had the technology we have now days like digital cameras and palm sized camcorders, I would have some awesome footage/pics for all of you on storms you probably never seen or been part of! So with that said, I would rather have cold stick around and 4"+ to stick around with that cold here. I have seen some mad march blizzards in Missouri though and do have/shared pics with everyone on here(when we were part of the old forum) of those crazy things where I once saw 26" from one storm in 9 hours or so and just to see it turn to slop and all completely melt off in a day or two lol with temps spiking right back to the 60's. So just maybe we(those of us who havent gotten squat yet lol) can see something in Feb. when its still cold and the sun angle isnt terrible yet. Really do dig your thoughts on all this though, it is kind of how I am....I suck at remembering or understanding model runs so usually I keep notes of every season to compare things(kinda like what you did/have been doing). Ok dont wanna bore everyone with my long winded boring disco's lol.
  14. I'll give it til the end of FEB them I am throwing the towel in. Is gonna amaze me if we end up 3 years in a row though at a half inch for the season, just weirdness!
  15. I hope so too! This half inch foolishness has to go man lol
  16. Extremely interesting look at things there StormChazer!! I enjoyed looking at that table, very very interesting for sure. Curious to see how things pan out now after seeing a different perspective on things from someone else, very neat to look at besides a model run lol(and we all know how those go haha)
  17. Blowtorch incoming by weeks end lol!!! Hard to believe as cold as it was last night/today and tonight again! Looks like T-Storm chances as well
  18. Looking at the radar tonight from intellicast(love it btw!) and I'm simply disgusted but yet mind blown! Early today literally probly 15 miles to my north missed by snow now the deep south to the gulf is getting it!!!!! Literally probly 75 miles to my southeast give or take, you know its bad when you see that/this happening over and over and over lol. Just a big giant donut hole over fayetteville here it seems
  19. It is lol, it can drive you to be so PO in the winter when you can't get anything at all.
  20. Yea man I'm slowly losing hope myself now, we are getting to that point again. Guess there is Feb. to hope for idk though lol. Just a snowless place here for the most part ya know. I know a few people in little rock saying they are in an advisory tonight even for 1-2", totally sick and crazy!!! I agree though it is such a hugeeee waste of cold air, oh well what can we do but drown in our own sorrows lmao. Congrats to those who did get snow though again, boo for us few and yay for them
  21. It's ok to be bummed out, I think those of us on here who have not seen anything again so far for year number 3 totally get it and understand . It is crazy, WSW in the deep south now. Just like you a few of us also have only seen a half inch so far this season if that even
  22. Or too far north and south lol, as in today! Like others are stating, deep south under a WSW lol...totally insane, Im speechless so far this winter. Cmon just 1 good 5" storm thats all I want!
  23. As of Tulsa's 10:30 disco, should be seeing 1-4" here in NW arkansas, my county included but not doing squat here minus the rogue flurry or two. For surely got colder though!
  24. I know January has had its off and on warm days(and more coming by weeks end here) but wasnt it forecasted to be well above average by most? Seems like it was way colder than I remember all the mets saying it would be.
  25. Me too my friend, I feel the pain believe me lol. I do see some rogue snow flurry's here and there haha
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