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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Been doing the same here too lol, all day up down temp swings. Rain starts coming down and temp plummeted to right around 33, it stopped temp spiked back up to 36. It's been doing this all winter with these storms so far :( cold stinky rain haha
  2. Raining good here, tulsa says its 37 but my backyard thermometer says 34 now. Been watching these temps wet bulb? for some time now since this rain started. Todays temp was predicted to be around 39. Idk
  3. I want some of your optimism there JoMo lol. 30 percent chance of rain tonight, its pouring down here Highly agree to that post also abt. global warming, no doubt abt. that playing a role everywhere. Maybe eventually we will go into an ice age and get so much snow that we start complaining in reverse lmao
  4. It does feel like a giant donut hole here as well lol, friday night says 34 degrees and rain...such a shame and a waste of yet another decent batch of moisture. All storms so far have been at this borderline temp at around 33-35 degrees its insane! Northwest arkansas and sw areas of missouri just cannot win these past 4 seasons
  5. Meh looks to be primarily a very cold rain again for here unless things change lol (forecast shows 33 and rain at night 37 during the day). Same ole same ole, nothing new
  6. Nope not gonna buy into this anymore, tired of this trickery lol. I will believe it this time when I see it happen!! Maybe? just maybe though? Last time I checked the forecast a few days back it said all rain, now slop bag of a mix or snow so who knowsss
  7. Pouring rain here 37 degrees. Shame this isnt snow and 7 degrees or so colder
  8. Its sad, we have been getting so much moisture and its all going to waste on...RAIN. Heck I will even take the freezing rain at this point lol
  9. I know, just pathetic really. I had the gut feeling, the forecast changed sooooo many times its confusing. Heck even yesterday and last nights advisory was a bust yet again lol, no shocker there though either lol. Times and winters this bad really make me miss Missouri man! I know its not even that great there lately for snow, but no where near as bad as this pathetic donut hole area is haha
  10. Sounds like it will nothing but all rain here tonight, 1-2" of another wasted storm on 33 degrees and cold cold rain lol. Such a shame to keep wasting all this moisture :( . Really depressing to say the least
  11. Yea I noticed that also, temps are marginal though. I am curious to see what happens tomorrow night also, but well...lol we will see right. We have to cash in sooner or later man
  12. Crazy what a lil freezing rain can do! Drizzly here, still at 35.
  13. Pouring the rain here, now its 34 though lol. Nothing like a cold rain!!!
  14. Still drizzly here but 33 right now, tulsa extended the advisory until noon tomorrow. No problems as of yet, nothing is frozen.
  15. Just got back from Ft.Smith and it was 40 down there and raining fairly well, 32 here in fayetteville with off and on sprinkles. WWA in effect until 6, so is there hope for this next storm or what? Trying to play catch-up on here sounds like the track is shifting more NE?
  16. Maybe some freezing rain with this system here but man the temps have been bumped wayyyy up for after this storm, looks like a major blowtorch coming yet again. Pfff slowly losing faith in this winter season yet again. Such a shame too cause the moisture has been there since past spring, the temps and storm tracks meh not so much.
  17. Well now it looks to be too far south and too warm idk, forecast is changing constantly. Light rain, light zr over to maybe light snow then back to light rain lol...what a headache it sounds like again trying to pinpoint stuff down
  18. Meh dont have high hopes for this one either, temps look iffy now. Looks to be a very cold rain event here with a smidge of flurries or zr on the tail end yet again, maybe it will change lol.
  19. Now the forecast goes from all snow to slop lol, time for the craziness to begin haha.
  20. Wed. Night Thursday could get interesting. Looks to be cold wed. night so anything that falls should be snow, as of right now lol? Not gonna get my hopes up but maybe for once can we all get lucky and get some snow...just maybe haha?
  21. Man that is nuts, especially that far north! My buddy in Iowa said the same, bare ground there and they usually always have snow on the ground for xmas. I agree, whoever says global warming isn't a real thing is full of it....or maybe I am lol? I really do think it's happening. I see 50's creeping back into the forecast also by the end of this upcoming week again, meh whatever haha.
  22. No kidding, too warm again for the most part same ole same ole so far as the past 4 winters lol. Storms and moisture is here its just too warm though. I will not lie I am nervous, Its like this everywhere though, even on the east coast my mom said they have been overly warm also and lots of east coast rain storms so far.
  23. I see it also for here now, tiny smidge of a chance saturday/sat. night then again for sunday night/monday!!!
  24. Way too far out not even gonna bother lol. Merry Christmas everyone!!! Going to be the warmest balmy xmas I have ever seen though
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