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Everything posted by NwWhiteOut

  1. Our friends in KC sent some pics, looks like from early afternoon and appeared to be about 4-6" on the ground there. Im so jelous Im not gonna lie lol. I see tulsa has a mention of freezing drizzle and snow here tomorrow night. Probly wont happen haha
  2. Darn right at the freezing line there eh, yep about 40 here today. The coldest day I have seen in a while haha
  3. No kidding, this warm crap weather def. takes away holiday mood for me lol. Oh well what can we do, move north lol...hope your doing well JoMo?
  4. Yep and tulsa updated stuff for here, pretty much non existent now...story of our lives lol. Can we go season number 6 without a decent winter, sure lol. You would think by now we would all be use to this nonsense haha. Got teased in late october by that halloween surprise dusting on the trashcan lid LOL
  5. Darn not sure what is going on with this but tulsa has all kinds of snow and sleet in the forecast for here. Looks like after midnight on saturday all the way into after midnight Monday possibly. Not sure what they are seeing? lol...wishful thinking maybe who knows haha
  6. This, so so sad and depressing really! And these stupid warm temps(right on track as the last 5 years, shocker..nope) just bum me out again.
  7. I for surely could I know that LOL!!! Man what a tease that map is
  8. No kidding, I know it's early but when I see these kind of temps in December I start getting antsy and nervous in all honesty lol
  9. Happy Thanksgiving man, I enjoyed seeing some colder weather on a holiday for once!! I think I was reading this was the coldest turkey day here in 12 years!! Like 40 today and rainy.
  10. Light snow and sleet here, its off and on in nature but awesome to see! Same temp as you according to my backyard weather station.
  11. Great, hope it doesn't last because this is nice to see to be honest even though its a mixed bag of junk.
  12. Here also now too, I hear occasional rumbles of thunder as well. Pretty crazy stuff for early November
  13. Tons of thunder here, just shy of 33 now. Advisory is out, pouring down rain! No mix yet Just switched over, light snow sleet mix here...at the freezing mark
  14. Stayed up a bit later, radar looked like it had another blob coming this way. Been snow flurrying/sleet mix for a bit now. 30 degrees! Not sticking to anything but the trashcan lid but look ya'll lol. Pretty crazy and neat to see on Halloween!!!
  15. Dude its pretty crazy! I been seeing sleet pellets and misty zr now off and on when a darker cloud moves over as crazy as that sounds! Seen a rogue flurry here and there too hahaha! Yep Im being a lil dramatic but how often does this happen, especially here in october!!! Last time I remember cold cold temps like this I was 13(long long time ago lol) trick or treating in pouring down rain in jersey as a wee young kid at around 38 degrees or so. Nostalgic times haha
  16. I hope so also, the last time I seen an October this cold was when I was 15 or so back on the east coast lol. I hope this pattern continues into the winter and just gets colder, for surely we can't go on season 5 or what 6 now that's snowless lol? Well then again, anything is possible haha
  17. Pretty crazy to see the mention of snow wed night/thursday am! even if it doesn't happen. I hope we keep this trend going this winter with colder conditions etc.
  18. Ahhh so it looks like we may be done with the nasty humidity and heat now? Been loving the temps, hope everyone is doing great!!!? Here is to hoping we don't skunk out again this season with some winter weather lol.
  19. Are you rdy for the possible 70 degree mark this upcoming weekend lol? Man and I thought Missouri weather was nutty sometimes
  20. Hey MoWeatherGuy, so what did the lil surprise snow just hit you with up there man? We got a quick half inch from whatever lil system that was around 4ish am. Crazy weirdness
  21. Yea man it was fairly nasty out there this morning, wow you guys got cold there quick. They are saying 7 for a low tonight brrrrr
  22. Has already melted off everything but the grass here, even with falling temps its just a bad time of the year to get snow do to the darn sun angle rising. Gonna be cold the next few days before we start getting really warm again, tulsa was hinting at 70 by saturday maybe
  23. 27 and snow flurries. Must have came down sometime between 3am and now cause everything is covered, probly a 1/4 inch of snow idk lol. First time in 5 years I have actually seen the back roads covered though. Is just a mushy wet snow, not a lot but is nice to see.
  24. Tulsas latest disco from 9:30 now only says half an inch at best with stuff arriving later than anticipated....Im so over these busts and junk misses lol
  25. Got quiet in here fast again lol, Doug Heady thinks 2" maybe 3". Is about 37 degrees here right now IMBY
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