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Everything posted by Rtd208

  1. Another hot one out there Current temp 90/DP 77/RH 66%
  2. Another hot one out there Current temp 90/DP 77/RH 66%
  3. High for the day yesterday was 99 here. Picked up 0.99” of rain for the day yesterday.
  4. High for the day yesterday was 99 here. Picked up 0.99” of rain for the day yesterday.
  5. Pretty good storm ongoing in Cranford Union Co. NJ
  6. Some of the ops/ensembles are very wet over portions of the Mid-Atlantic and the NYC metro over the next 10 days.
  7. High for the day yesterday was 99 here. Current temp 80/DP 73/RH 81%
  8. High for the day yesterday was 99 here. Current temp 80/DP 73/RH 81%
  9. SPC holds with a marginal risk for day 1 & 2 for the NYC metro. We'll see what happens in future updates.
  10. High for the day yesterday was 93 here.
  11. Marginal so close but yet so far for the NYC Metro/NNJ
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