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Everything posted by Rtd208

  1. DT (Wxrisk) has a pretty good video on La Nina and the future Ernesto. His thoughts as of last night are OTS.
  2. Yeah it was a bad call to declare a SOE beginning at 6 pm. If anything it should have gone into effect 12 hours earlier but I don't feel there was enough justification for it yesterday imo. If we were going to be see the 6-10" of rain which the forecast models had earlier in the week then there certinaly would have been justification for it.
  3. I really wish people would stop making winter outlooks prior to October 1st even if it is preliminary. Good lord.
  4. Picked up 0.30" of rain for the day yesterday 8 day rainfall total of 5.56"
  5. Picked up 0.30" of rain for the day yesterday 8 day rainfall total of 5.56"
  6. You don't get money for just declaring an SOE, it enables you to be able to recoup money from costs associated with the storm but its not automatic. Beyond the money aspect it also allows for federal assets to be deployed to said area.
  7. So basically if you declare an SOE it enables you to recoup money from the feds for costs associated with a particular weather event etc. I mean they have started issuing SOEs for snowstorms under 12", they never did that years ago. If we are expecting a winter storm with a foot or more of snow then a SOE is justified imo. Its all about the money now.
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