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Everything posted by Rtd208

  1. Its sent via an email group. You have to subscribe to receive it.
  2. Read Larry Cosgrove's weekly newsletter tonight, in the final paragraph his the long range section he doesn't seem to be to excited about a big winter along the Eastern Seaboard but did say it it would be less "non-wintry" then last year. Something tells me when he releases his winter outlook it may be rather disappointing for our area and if I recall correctly his call for last winter was pretty good. But we will see.
  3. Cliff jumpers warming up early this year.
  4. Lets hope not, good thing its still fairly early. It would be something if it happened, very persistent pattern.
  5. Looks like we are going to see showers and thunderstorms at some point leading into the July 4th holiday.
  6. Just thought I would play the devils advocate and post DT's thoughts on the 0z Op GFS. https://www.facebook.com/WxRisk/posts/1290308717683050?notif_t=notify_me_page&notif_id=1489006936103079
  7. DT says winter is basically over in his This Week in Weather video. He mentions maybe..maybe some winter weather in mid to late March if the mjo swings around into a more favorable position again but honestly by then who cares. I am really not a big fan of any wintry weather after the first ten days of March unless it is an extreme event i.e Superstorm of 93 or if we have a very cold air mass in place.
  8. Looks like even Larry Cosgrove is going to go down in flames on this month, he always thought February was going to be the coldest and stormiest month of the winter. His weekly newsletters from the last couple of weekends seemed pretty positive on a good February, curious to see what he says in this weekends newsletter.
  9. According to Steve D. "the pattern should remain active and on the cold side until mid February then Spring is on the way". The way this winter has gone and how the models have handled things even in the shorter ranges I am taking everything with a grain of salt. I will laugh if we wind up seeing our biggest snowfall of the winter on March 1st.
  10. And tomorrow he will probably say the complete opposite. I used to like JB but sometimes I think he says what he says to make himself popular or have something to talk about instead of the science of weather and meteorology. JMHO
  11. Judah Cohen 2016-2017 Winter Outlook https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/11/22/judah-cohen-winter-outlook-cold-for-eastern-u-s-snowy-in-washington/
  12. Judah Cohen 2016-2017 Winter Outlook https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/11/22/judah-cohen-winter-outlook-cold-for-eastern-u-s-snowy-in-washington/
  13. DT (WxRisk) 2016-2017 Winter Forecast https://www.wxrisk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/finalshort.pdf
  14. DT (WxRisk) 2016-2017 Winter Forecast https://www.wxrisk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/finalshort.pdf
  15. Its restricted to members only, not able to view. Have to wait until its released for public viewing.
  16. EPAWA's 2016-2017 Winter Outlook http://epawaweather.com/2016/11/02/epawa-2016-2017-winter-outlook/
  17. His snowfall amounts seems to be based around the drought conditions in our area over the last several months which could continue into the winter, he did say if drought conditions ease those amounts could be higher. Only time will tell.
  18. Joe Cioffi's 2016-2017 Winter Outlook http://www.meteorologistjoecioffi.com/index.php/2016/11/01/winter-2016-2017-new-jersey-forecast/
  19. Joe Cioffi's 2016-2017 Winter Outlook http://www.meteorologistjoecioffi.com/index.php/2016/11/01/winter-2016-2017-new-jersey-forecast/
  20. Larry Cosgrove released his outlook for winter 2016-2017 and its not good if you like cold and snow although confidence levels are not particularly high. He is also going with a very warm December which seems to contradict most outlooks. https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/PeySp4BFjEA https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/bBiWzmLaLSA https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/gbv3LItS4Yo https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/udrthzDZ-Dw
  21. Larry Cosgrove released his outlook for winter 2016-2017 and its not good if you like cold and snow although confidence levels are not particularly high. He is also going with a very warm December which seems to contradict most outlooks. https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/PeySp4BFjEA https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/bBiWzmLaLSA https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/gbv3LItS4Yo https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-US#!topic/weatheramerica/udrthzDZ-Dw
  22. Has anyone been getting Larry Cosgroves Weather America weekly newsletter?? Looks like this is the 3rd weekend in a row without one.
  23. Steve D's 2016/2017 Winter Forecast https://nynjpaweather.com/winter-forecast-for-20162017/
  24. Steve D's 2016/2017 Winter Forecast https://nynjpaweather.com/winter-forecast-for-20162017/
  25. http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/2016-2017-us-winter-forecast-northeast-above-normal-snow-freeze-hurt-citrus-south/60277878
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