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Everything posted by Rtd208

  1. Are you expecting the same for Philadelphia and NYC as well?
  2. Who are you and what did you do with the real Eskimo Joe?
  3. Less impressed? And yet they issued a Flash Flood Watch for my area from late Friday night thru mid day Saturday for 1-2" of rain with locally higher amounts up to 3". Doesn't sound less impressed to me.
  4. Really great video by DT (WxRisk) laying out all the possibilities over the next couple of weeks. https://youtu.be/OietW1ud-to
  5. Larry Cosgrove released his 2018/19 Winter Outlook. November: Temp much above normal/Confidence Level 5 out of 10 December: Temp much above normal/Confidence level 3 out of 10 January: Temp near normal/Confidence level 3 out of 10 February: Temp much below normal/Confidence level 5 out of 10 March: Temp much below normal/Confidence level 4 out of 10 Snow/Ice Potential: Critical (which is good for snow lovers)
  6. Yep I was just going to post that. He is on the warmer train until late December.
  7. Interesting, Larry Cosgrove still thinks milder air returns to most of the US including the Eastern Seaboard between November 7th and Christmas. It will be interesting to see if he will be right..
  8. This is a great blog post by John (Earthlight) https://www.nymetroweather.com/2018/10/13/weekender-social-media-stormy-pattern-ahead/
  9. Interesting discussion from Larry Cosgroves weekly newsletter last night in the longer term outlook. Not set in stone obviously but basically thinking milder temps from November 7 thru December 26 then a fairly cold and stormy January thru March. Winter could be close to 2009-10.
  10. I actually think this October will feature some high wind events in the mid-atlantic and northeast. As far as one specific storm I think it will be a major nor'easter that will get things started for the fall and winter months.
  11. Every year around this time I like to get things started for the upcoming fall and winter with the "Predict the Date" of the first bonafide nor'easter of the season be it rain and or snow. Hopefully this season will be an active one. Starts October 1st 2018 thru March 31st 2019
  12. Frying Pan Ocean Cam Live https://youtu.be/deG4NxkouGM
  13. If anyone is interested Matt Lanza put together a list comprised of meteorologists, storm chasers etc. to be able to track Florence on Twitter. https://twitter.com/mattlanza/lists/florence
  14. DT (Wxrisk) has posted an early winter preview video for the upcoming 2018-19 winter season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6fT7Ge7mWE&feature=youtu.be
  15. Interesting snippet from Larry Cosgroves Weather America weekly newsletter last night. "October looks extremely interesting for weather in North America" Looks like he will be discussing that further in some upcoming newsletters. Maybe a stormy October is on the way??
  16. I should point out he also mentioned that over time that favored area could possibly shift a little bit further north. But any which way you slice it there is the potential for MCS/Derecho activity for our area.
  17. Larry Cosgrove has an interesting weekly newsletter yesterday. In his medium range outlook (days 4-10) he stated that areas from ND/MI/IL and through PA/NJ/DE/MD could be in line for potential MCS/Derecho development. He also mentioned this in his extended range (days 11-15) outlook as well. He mentioned we could be in the "Ring of Fire" which would obviously increase the potential for MCS/Derecho's moving through our region.
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