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About Scuddz

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Columbia, MD

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  1. Something burning nicely out west of Rockville. From downtown silver spring.
  2. Now im gonna stalk him. Stupid kids having to be picked up from school and all ruining my happy hour drinking....
  3. I don't exaclty expect it to be "puking fatties" tomorrow but this does not concern me with "marginal temps" nor "ratios". Only box not really checked here is the DGZ depth is relatively narrow.
  4. Flakes flying near arundel mills
  5. 2.6" near Arundel Mills. Had to tie up the grill to the deck earlier, it was getting a a bit frisky
  6. We've overplanted tomatoes and peppers once again this year and they're still prolifically producing. On our 4th batch of salsa and I need to go pick once again. My super-hots are finally ripening (Scorpion and Ghost chilis) so time for the hot stuff to be added in.
  7. It's also completely whiffed on the current line, whereas the 3k at least has something at 16z.
  8. Rumbly from the northern storms, ominous to the west.
  9. Yes, our neighborhood has 16 plots in the middle of a giant field so full sun. We've had ours for the last 4 yrs.
  10. Came back from Vacation to some monstrous zuchini
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