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Posts posted by Cashtown_Coop

  1. 38 minutes ago, CarlislePaWx said:

    Grass now disappearing which means I've reached 2".  I'm amazed looking at the radar that the green has become stationary over Adams/Cumberland/Perry counties.  Snowing heavily here again and the flake size has gone back up again which means rate is approaching 1"/hr again.  Temp holding at 32.2.  Looking great out there.  Glad to hear many are cashing in with this (not just Cashtown...lol).

    I’m def not the jackpot this time.   Never got into the heavy rates that long.   Close to 3” here, but York county should clearly take the cake on this one.   5-6” seems likely 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Bubbler86 said:

    Popped in to see how things were going...surface temps seem a tad warm right now and DP's are already in the mid 20's but like the latest GFS depiction of really putting the LSV  just on the other side of the R/S line making it jackpot town.  It's where you want to be.  

    I’m over your way at the eye doctor.   Nothing yet but radar looks great.   

    35/24 back at house 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Bubbler86 said:

    @Cashtown_Coop we were touching a bit on micro climates a couple weeks back, with the ice in your back yard and 40's and 50's in mine, and I just spent the day in Thurmont, Cascade, and Pen Mar mired in fog and mid 40's and arrived home to sunny and low 60's.  Just a couple miles apart.  This pic tells it all.  My development is the white group of houses just to the left of the silo at 1/4 way up the mountain and just a few hundred further up the temps drop 10-15 degrees in what looks like the top of a marshmallow sundae when taken a  mile back away from my place..  Cool and sad at the same time (why I rarely get ice storms).



    I was wondering how things were on your side today.   I’ve been stuck in low clouds and fog with a high of 44 so far.   The vis sat really shows what you’re talking about.

  4. 5 hours ago, Bubbler86 said:


    I am not mad at you. I am still struggling to figure out how I am considered "warm" though.  :-).  I rarely will post a negative no snow for you in immediate response to someone who thinks otherwise but I sometimes post original content stating my opinion and I find blown warm forecasts or grossly warm by average periods interesting re: yesterday  we got to 41 here which was a big bust on the high side.  I love snow storms and I love sniffing out or discussing events where models are wrong...warm or cold.   I am on the west side of the South Mountain Range so we will warm here faster than people just over the hill from me like @Cashtown_Coop.  I actually keep his weather station link handy to compare.   There are still ice covered tree limbs 2 miles to my east Blue Ridge Summit. 

    Same on this side of the ridge.   I took these pictures today just west of the house 





  5. 7 minutes ago, sauss06 said:

    Hands down January 1996 is my all time favorite. #2 would be March 1993 and then February 2010 with back to back storms totaling 40" which i'll probably never see that happen again. 1978 falls in there too. 

    This is pretty much my list.   Except for the 78 storm ( wasn’t born yet) but the 93 and 96 storms will always rank 1 and 2 for me and what ultimately got me so interested in the weather.  Then 2010, back to back 24”+ storms within days will likely never happen again in my lifetime.  

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