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Everything posted by Cashtown_Coop

  1. It’s ugly for Adams. The low qpf follows the border to the exact shape
  2. @Bubbler86just sent me a pm. It said he’ll sponsor a $100 Amazon gift card to winner. hip hip hurray
  3. Hrrr still trending north with heaviest axis. Not liking that. Now has HIA at 4.5”
  4. You guys can have same snow number. I added total qpf for tiebreakers. Just don’t guess that the same lol
  5. I’ve got enough entries so here we go: Total Accumulated Snowfall at HIA Rules guess to nearest 10th add total qpf for tiebreakers 5pm deadline to submit entries closest amount to the tenth (high or low) wins respond to this post for guesses
  6. Napoleon Dynamite was my reference but seems to have more than one so that’s good. 2 for 1 special
  7. Vote for Pedro, I’ll make all your dreams come true
  8. Does anyone want do a contest to guess total accumulation at HIA? I’ll put something together if enough interest. Like this post if you want to submit a guess
  9. Wouldn’t be surprised if CTP upgrades Somerset county to a warning
  10. I still think blowing and drifting snow could be a issue if the higher end amounts verify. 5” of powder with 30mph winds could make for quite a wintry day friday
  11. Yes indeed. Actually was the 24hr high. Had a gust to 30
  12. @MillvilleWx That was a next level write up you have. It’s great that you posted it in here
  13. Sorry I took the 3rd shift off. I’ll be up all night watching every flake fall
  14. Rap is running. Do you want the honors bub86 N/M. See it only goes out to 21
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