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Everything posted by Cashtown_Coop

  1. What was low track of 94 storm. Did the low go over Hagerstown to Harrisburg?
  2. Yes. I think we see an East shift. S/W coming in the coast today, with better sampling we’ll have to except what’s shown.
  3. I agree on a rare track. Lots of moving parts. Things will still be changing on Friday.
  4. GFS is locked in. Low over Winchester this time In a good spot then heads nw.
  5. Updated CTP grids carry all snow wording for all se counties so that’s good. Up to 80% sun nite.
  6. As the crow flies, bub and I are 13 miles apart and 13 degrees difference.
  7. This post deserves multiple emojis but I’ll with
  8. It became a sub par site. Missing data etc. It’s happening currently with some sites where data isn’t being sent in by observers. It truly is a commitment. There is a coop at Laurel Summit at 2730ft close to mt Davis elevation hidden valley has one as well 2876ft ski resort
  9. Good time to throw this in. CTP used to have a coop site at mt davis. Something like 3310ft. When it was decommissioned I ended up with its mmts ( temperature sensor) for my coop site. Always thought that was cool. It has a better life in the lowlands.
  10. Honestly I think Mags house is jackpot as it stands now. Unless we get a new member from Somerset
  11. Give me 1” qpf before mixing and I’ll call it a good event. Next panel is when things mix for western lsv.
  12. 8-10” dump then slotted. Think that’s what we route for
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