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Chicago WX

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Everything posted by Chicago WX

  1. Coming down pretty nicely here right now. And blowing sideways.
  2. I moved back to IKK in June 2015. Feb 28-Mar 1, 2015 was my going away present. It got close to dd's, but not quite. Nov 2015 was about 8" here, so I thought I'd see one quickly. I was wrong, lol. And I do remember that Feb 2016 storm. Such a super close miss. Eastern edge of the county here got buried.
  3. Yep. Been snowing for the past hour or so. Nothing heavy, yet. Keep waiting for the returns just to the south...
  4. 1"/hour at IND. 0.12" in the bucket. KIND 302254Z 11013KT 1/2SM R05L/3500V6000FT SN FZFG OVC007 M01/M02 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP160 SNINCR 1/1 P0012 T10061017
  5. Same here. Winds getting gusty too. I was trying to remember the last storm that I saw 10"+...and pretty sure it's Jan 5, 2014. This storm won't do it either for me, so the wait will go on...but geez, that's really awful.
  6. I’m downtown today, and it’s been lightly snowing for an hour or so. Mostly rimed flakes. But as you said, flake size is real nice right now. If we can hold onto to that for the meat and potatoes of this event, then...
  7. They. But yeah, I know the drill. Not my first storm, lol. Hopefully a lot of people do well.
  8. 17z HRRR just parks and rots it over IKK. It’s like the I-80 wall, but in reverse.
  9. Let’s do this. Spitting a few flakes here right now.
  10. Always FWIW, but the 9z RAP was something. NSFW snow totals to the south/southwest of me.
  11. lol, I know. You know me though, nervous to the end. On another note, looping the p-type maps on COD for the 18z NAMs is sorta fun with how the rain/snow transition takes place to the southwest. This whole thing kinda reminds me of 12/5/05, though that one was colder...but boy did it pound quickly.
  12. Trending in the wrong direction . Looking the p-type plots, lots of rainers. 21z will be different. They usually follow whatever the preceding NAM does. And it was better for us. Regardless, 6” is the goal. Hopefully we can get there!
  13. It’s been steady. Hope it’s the king again. But all other models are decreasing snowfall for here, for various reasons. And I’m still a little leery about that much snow, in a short amount of time. I think I’d make a call of 3-6” right now, all things considered.
  14. Writing is on the wall for us. Too many fail modes present versus succeeding. Just a 30 mile shift and it’s 1.00+ of cold cold rain. Maybe we can squeeze out an inch or two on the front end...with some consolation flakes at the end.
  15. A lot to like if you're in and around Chicago on the 12z NAM. Mid/upper level lows all take a nice track for a band of heavy snow. Think I-80 to the border is going to cash quite nicely. I think most times, these systems like to bleed a little further north than forecasted. Read the overnight AFD from LOT, and they have the heaviest a little farther north...I-88 to far north central IL. And mainly rain from I-80 to the south. Again, I think it's more I-80 on north for the heaviest snows...and the changeover to all rain, after a brief start of frozen, looks solid for the southern CWA.
  16. Meh. At this range, I'd only feel somewhat comfortable if the models were showing a STL/PAH/etc hit. First (maybe final) call... DSM: 8 MSP: 6 CR: 11.94 cyclone: 12 alek: 14 Hoosier: 9.9 SE MI: 10.0 Bowme: 10.0 MSN: 8.0
  17. Yeah, I'm not going to waste much time on this one. Can already see where this one is going to go. This morning's LOT AFD says all snow I-80 and north. So...south of I-80...
  18. Make that 12.6" total as of 6:00 AM. 41.6" on the season there now. Killing it.
  19. 10.3" (0.47" liquid) at DSM as of midnight. And been snowing since. What a winter for them. Mood snows here this morning. Little bit of freezing drizzle overnight. Glaciated.
  20. After a lull, dry slot #1 if you will, current band started as all sleet, and has now transitioned back to all snow. Coming down pretty good with decent flake size right now. In the end, all of this won't amount to much here...but it'll be all frozen, and fun to work (walk) on tomorrow.
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